Definition 2025



See also: produkts




  1. genitive singular of Produkt



See also: Produkts



produkts m (1st declension)

  1. product (object or substance made as a result of human labor or of some labor-like activity)
    dabas produktsproducts of nature, natural products
    lauksaimniecības, rūpniecības produkts ― agricultural, industrial product
    ķīmiskie produkti ― chemicals (lit. chemical products)
    gala produkts, galaprodukts ― final product
    atkritumu produkti, atkritumprodukti ― waste products
    cilvēka pieredze, zināšanas un darbaspējas materializējas viņa darba produktā ― a person's experience, knowledge and ability to work materialize in the product of his work
  2. products, groceries, foodstuffs (ingredients, materials that can be made into food for consumption)
    pārtikas produkts ― foodstuffs (lit. food products)
    piena produkti ― dairy products
    gaļa produkti ― meat products
    svaigi produkti ― fresh products, groceries
    produktu uzglabāšanas laiksproduct conservation time, shelf life
    pareizā uzturā jābūt dažādiem produktiem; tādēļ nepietiek lietot tikai augu produktus, kā to praktizē veģetārieši ― in a good diet there must be various kinds of foods; therefore, it is not enough to eat only vegetable products, as vegetarians do
    kapteinis turēja nelielā krājumā dažus produktus: taukus, konservus, cukuru un sausiņus ― the captain kept a small stock of various foodstuffs: fat, preserves, sugar and biscuits
  3. product (object, substance formed as a result of some process)
    sintēzes produkts ― a product of synthesis
    degšanas produkts ― a product of combustion
    tabakas dūmu produkti ietekmē plaušas 40 reizes spēcīgāk nekā jebkurus citus audus ― the products of tobacco smoke affect the lungs 40 times more strongly than any other tissue
  4. product, result (a consequence of some process or activity)
    cilvēka rakstura īpašības var zināmā mērā uzlūkot par attiecīgā laikmeta produktiem ― human character features can to some extent be seen as the products of the era in question
    arī jēdziens “cilvēks” nav tīras domāšanas produkts, tīra abstrakcija, kas eksistē ārpus atsevišķiem cilvēkiem ― also, the notion of “person” is not a product of pure thought, a pure abstraction which exists outside of individual people



Derived terms




  1. indefinite genitive singular of produkt