Definition 2025





raksturs m (1st declension)

  1. character, temperament, personality, nature (set of psychological and mental features typical of a certain individual, as revealed in his/her actions and behavior)
    dažādi raksturi ― different personalities
    maigs raksturs ― a gentle character, nature
    taisnīgs raksturs ― a righteous character, nature
    skarbs raksturs ― harsh character, nature
    ideāls raksturs ― ideal, perfect character
    rakstura īpašībascharacter features
    rakstura diagnostikacharacter diagnosis
    līdzsvarots raksturs ― a balanced character, personality
    māksliniekam jārāda tēli ar tipiskiem raksturiem ― an arist must show characters with typical personalities
    mums abiem bija gluži pretēji raksturi: Harijs - drosmīgs, atjautīgs, skaļš, es - pabailīgs, bikls un ļoti kluss ― the two of us had very different characters: Harijs (is) brave, resourceful, loud, (while) I (am) fearful, timid and very quiet
  2. character, temperament, nature (set of psychological and metal features that reflect the deeper nature of an individual, an animal)
    cilvēks ar raksturu ― a person of character
    viņam ir vājš raksturs ― he has a weak character
    viņam nav rakstura ― he has no character
    audzināt raksturu ― to educate (one's) character
    agresīva rakstura dzīvnieki ― animals of agressive character
    miermīlīga rakstura putni ― birds of peaceful character
    tas bija tāds raksturs, kas ne mirkli nespēja palikt mierā ― he had such a temperament that he couldn't stand still for a minute
  3. character, nature (set of features that distinguish something from other similar entities)
    publicistiska rakstura darbs ― work of journalistic nature
    pedagoģiska rakstura grāmata ― a book of pedagogical nature
    viņa augstu vērtē Ausekļa un viņa laikabiedru romantisma atkīvo, demokrātisko raksturu ― she appreciated Auseklis' and his contemporaries' romantic, active, democratic character, nature
    rekrūšu dziesmām pa lielākai daļai ir skumjš raksturs ― recruits' songs have for the most part a sad character
    Svētupei kādreiz bijis citāds raksturs ― once (in the past) Svētupe had a strange character
    medībām mūsu rapublikā ir sportisks raksturs ― in our republic, hunting has the character of a sport
    dažādi ir ceļi un līdzekļi, kurus mēs izmantojam, lai noskaidrotu slimības raksturu un būtību ― various are the ways and means which we use to determine the nature and essence of a disease


Derived terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), raksturs”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7