Definition 2025





redzēt tr., 3rd conj., pres. redzu, redzi, redz, past redzēju

  1. to see (to perceive something visually)
    pa logu var redzēt dārzu ― through the window (one) can see the garden
    redzēt filmu, izstādi ― to see a movie, an exhibition
    nav ko redzēt ― (there is) nothing to see
    redzēt elpu ― to see (one's) breath (in cold weather)
  2. to see (to be able to perceive (things) visually)
    viņš slikti redz ― he sees badly, poorly
    kaķi tumsā redz labāk nekā cilvēks ― in the dark cats see better than people
    tik tumšs, ka nevar redzēt ― (it is) so dark that (one) cannot see
    no kalna tālu var redzēt ― from a mountain (one) can see far
  3. to see, to observe, to notice (a phenomenon, a feature or quality)
    redzēju, cik tu biji satraukts ― I saw how alarmed you were
    Kalējs pasmaidīja, bet visi redzēja, cik grūti viņam bija izspiest smaidu ― Kalējs smiled, but everyone saw how difficult it was for him to squeeze a smile
  4. to see (to learn, to understand, to realize)
    es redzu, ka man nepietiks laika ― I see that I will have enough time
    redzat, esmu sarkanarmietis ― as you (can) see, I am a Red Army soldier
    istaba bija maza, bet mājīga, un kātra sīkumā varēja redzēt, ka te dzīvo sieviete ― the room was small but cozy, and in every detail (one) could see that a woman lived there
    Līze redzēja, ka nekāda prātīga runāšana kaimiņos nav gaidamā un vedināja Andri mājup ― Līze saw that there would be no sensible talking at the neighbors', so she took Andris (back) home
  5. to see (to experience, to live through)
    redzēt grūtības, ciešanas, sāpes — to see hardship, suffering, pain
    redzēt laimi, vienaldzību ― to see happiness, indifference
    viņai vajadzēja redzēt pieticību un prieku, lai varētu vēl ticēt laimei ― she had to see contentment and joy in order to be able to believe still in happiness
  6. to see (to create visual images in one's memory or imagination)
    redzēt sapni ― to have (lit. to see) a dream
    redzēt ko sapnī ― to see something in a dream
    pēc brītiņa viņš aizmiga un redzēja sapni ― after a while he fell asleep and had (lit. saw) a dream
    atgūlies uz muguras un aizvēris acis, redzu tos divdesmit gadus plašā ainā savā priekšā ― having lain down and closed (my) eyes, I see those twenty years in a broad scene in front of me



Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
  • apredzēt
  • ieredzēt
  • izredzēt
  • pieredzēt
  • saredzēt
other derived terms:

Related terms

See also


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns. 1992, 2001. Latviešu etimoloģijas vārdnīca. Rīga: AVOTS. ISBN 9984700127.