Definition 2025
skatīt tr., 3rd conj., pres. skatu, skati, skata, past skatīju
- to look at, to see (to perceive something visually, usually in order to obtain information from it, to become familiar with it)
- skatīt gaismu ― to see, to look at the light
- skatīt pilsētas apkaimi ― to see (= examine) the city area
- medicīnas māsa bija viņam iedvesusi ticību, ka viņš skatīs sauli, lai arī cik grūti būtu pašreiz ― the nurse had inspired in him the belief that he would see the sun, no matter how difficult it would be now
- caur logu mēs skatījām - un redzējām ― through the window we looked - and we saw (it)
- no pakalna skatot, redzam Latvijas ainavu ar birzīm, ezeriem, māju puduriem ― looking from the hill, we saw the Latvian landscape with (its) woods, lakes, groups of houses
- to see, to watch (to appreciate visually a work of art; to follow an activity, a game, etc.)
- skatīt skulptūras ― to see sculptures
- skatīt filmas ― to see, watch movies
- skatīt sporta sacensības ― to see sports events, competitions
- skatīt televīzias pārraidi ― to see a television show, broadcast
- esmu skatījis daļu no Mikelandželo gleznām un skulpturām ― I have seen part of Michelangelo's paintings and sculptures
- to see, to watch (to imagine in one's mind)
- ārste domās skata operācijas gaitu no sākuma līdz bezcerīgajam noslēgumam ― the doctor saw, watched in (her) thoughts the progress of the operation, from beginning to hopess end
- to see, to check, to examine (to evaluate visually)
- nezinādams, ko tālāk teikt, Ostnieks apsēdās pie galda un sāka skatīt pasi: “Teodors Riņķa... Rīga... Ezera ielā...” ― not knowing what more to say, Ostnieks sat down at the table and started checking the passport: “Teodors Riņķa... Riga... Ezera street...”
- māsa Gārša stāstīja, ka Egle ilgus gadus ar rentgenu skatījis slimnieku plaušas ― nurse Garša told how Egle (for) many years had examined the patients' lungs with X-rays
- to see (as), to analyze, to evaluate
- Eduards Veidenbaums teoriju neatrauj no prakses, viņš abas tās skata ciešā vienībā ― Eduards Veidenbaums did not separate theory and practice, he saw both in tight union (= as tightly connected)
- Emīla Dārziņa atstāto garīgo mantojumu skatīsim divos atsevišķos aspektos: vispirms daiļrades pausto estētiku jeb poētiku, pcē tam estētikos uzskatus ― we will see (= evaluate) Emīla Dārziņa's spiritual heritage in two independent aspects: first, the aesthetics or poetics expressed in the creative work (itself); after that, the aesthetic beliefs
conjugation of skatīt
Derived terms
- prefixed verbs:
- other derived terms:
Related terms
- ↑ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “skatīt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7