Webster 1913 Edition
imp. & p. p.
; p. pr. & vb. n.
.] 1.
To work for; to labor in behalf of; to exert one’s self continuously or statedly for the benefit of; to do service for; to be in the employment of, as an inferior, domestic, serf, slave, hired assistant, official helper, etc.; specifically, in a religious sense, to obey and worship.
God is my witness, whom I
with my spirit. Rom. i. 9.
Jacob loved Rachel; and said, I will
thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter. Gen. xxix. 18.
No man can
two masters. Matt. vi. 24.
Had I but
Have left me naked to mine enemies.
my God with half the zealI
my king, he would not in mine ageHave left me naked to mine enemies.
To be subordinate to; to act a secondary part under; to appear as the inferior of; to minister to.
Bodies bright and greater should not
The less not bright.
The less not bright.
To be suitor to; to profess love to.
a lady in his beste wise. Chaucer.
To wait upon; to supply the wants of; to attend; specifically, to wait upon at table; to attend at meals; to supply with food;
as, to
. serve
customers in a shopOthers, pampered in their shameless pride,
in plate and in their chariots ride. Dryden.
Hence, to bring forward, arrange, deal, or distribute, as a portion of anything, especially of food prepared for eating; – often with up; formerly with in.
Bid them cover the table,
in the meat, and we will come in to dinner. Shakespeare
Some part he roasts, then
it up so dressed. Dryde.
To perform the duties belonging to, or required in or for; hence, to be of use to;
as, a curate may
. serve
two churches; to serve
one's country7.
To contribute or conduce to; to promote; to be sufficient for; to satisfy;
as, to
. serve
one's turnTurn it into some advantage, by observing where it can
another end. Jer. Taylor.
To answer or be (in the place of something) to;
as, a sofa
. serves
one for a seat and a couch9.
To treat; to behave one's self to; to requite; to act toward;
as, he
. served
me very ill10.
To work; to operate;
as, to
. serve
the guns11.
To bring to notice, deliver, or execute, either actually or constructively, in such manner as the law requires;
as, to
. serve
a summons(b)
To make legal service opon (a person named in a writ, summons, etc.);
as, to
. serve
a witness with a subpœna12.
To pass or spend, as time, esp. time of punishment;
as, to
. serve
a term in prison13.
To copulate with; to cover;
as, a horse
; – said of the male. serves
a mare14.
To lead off in delivering (the ball).
To wind spun yarn, or the like, tightly around (a rope or cable, etc.) so as to protect it from chafing or from the weather. See under
. To serve an attachment
To serve a writ of attachment
, to levy it on the person or goods by seizure, or to seize.
– To serve an execution
, to levy it on a lands, goods, or person, by seizure or taking possession.
– To serve an office
, to discharge a public duty.
– To serve a process
, in general, to read it, so as to give due notice to the party concerned, or to leave an attested copy with him or his attorney, or his usual place of abode.
– To serve a warrant
, to read it, and seize the person against whom it is issued.
– To serve a writ
, to read it to the defendant, or to leave an attested copy at his usual place of abode.
– To serve one out
, to retaliate upon; to requite.
“I'll serve you out for this.” C. Kingsley.
– To serve one right
, to treat, or cause to befall one, according to his deserts; – used commonly of ill deserts;
– as, it
. serves
the scoundrel right
To serve one's self of
, to avail one's self of; to make use of.
[A Gallicism]
I will
– serve myself of
this concession. Chillingworth.
To serve out
, to distribute;
– as,
. to serve out
rationsTo serve the time
or To serve the hour
to regulate one's actions by the requirements of the time instead of by one's duty; to be a timeserver.
They think herein we
serve the time
, because thereby we either hold or seek preferment. Hooker.
Syn. – To obey; minister to; subserve; promote; aid; help; assist; benefit; succor.
To be a servant or a slave; to be employed in labor or other business for another; to be in subjection or bondage; to render menial service.
The Lord shall give thee rest . . . from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to
. Isa. xiv. 3.
To perform domestic offices; to be occupied with household affairs; to prepare and dish up food, etc.
But Martha . . . said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to
alone? Luke x. 40.
To be in service; to do duty; to discharge the requirements of an office or employment. Specifically, to act in the public service, as a soldier, seaman. etc.
Many . . . who had before been great commanders, but now
as private gentlemen without pay. Knolles.
To be of use; to answer a purpose; to suffice; to suit; to be convenient or favorable.
This little brand will
to light your fire. Dryden.
As occasion
And prince shall follow with a fresh supply.
, this noble queenAnd prince shall follow with a fresh supply.
To lead off in delivering the ball.
Webster 1828 Edition
1. To work for; to bestow the labor of body and mind in the employment of another.
Jacob loved Rachel and said, I will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy youngest daughters. Gen. 29.
No man can serve two masters. Matt. 6.
2. To act as the minister of; to perform official duties to; as, a minister serves his prince.
Had I served God as diligently as I have served the king, he would not have given me over in my gray hairs. Cardinal Woolsey.
3. To attend at command; to wait on.
A goddess among gods, ador'd and serv'd
By anbels numberless, thy daily train. Milton.
4. To obey servilely or meanly. be not to wealth a servant.
5. To supply with food; as, to be served in plate.
6. To be subservient or subordinate to.
Bodies bright and greater should not serve
The less not bright. Milton.
7. To perform the duties required in; as, the curate served two churches.
8. To obey; to perform duties in the employment of; as, to serve the king or the country in the army or navy.
9. To be sufficient, or to promote; as, to serve one's turn, end or purpose.
10. To help by good offices; as, to serve one's country.
11. To comply with; to submit to.
They think herein we serve the time, because thereby we either hold or seek preferment. Hooker.
12. To be sufficient for; to satisfy; to content.
One half pint bottle serves them both to dine,
And is at once their vinegar and wine. Pope.
13. To be in the place of any thing to one. A sofa serves the Turks for a seat and a couch.
14. To treat; to requite; as, he served me ungratefully; he served me very ill; We say also, he served me a trick, that is he deceived me, or practiced an artifice on me.
15. In Scripture and theology, to obey and worship; to act in conformity to the law of a superior, and treat him with due reverence.
Fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and truth. As for me and my house, we will serve the lord. Josh. 24.
16. In a bad sense, to obey; to yeild compliance or act according to.
Definition 2025

A jump serve in a game of volleyball
serve (plural serves)
- (sports) An act of putting the ball or shuttlecock in play in various games.
- Whose serve is it?
- 1961 January 13, Marshall Smith, From Waif to a Winner, the Clown of the Courts, Life, page 99,
- He had no power serve of his own, no backhand, no volley, no lob, no idea of pace or tactics.
- 1996, Steve Boga, Badminton, page viii,
- The first serve of the game is from the right half court to the half diagonally opposite.
- 2009, Mihnea Moldoveanu, Roger L. Martin, Diaminds: Decoding the Mental Habits of Successful Thinkers, page 31,
- Against a serve of the calibre of McEnroe′s, an opponent will try to anticipate the ball′s direction and lean either to the left or to the right, depending on where he feels the server will go.
- (chiefly Australia) A portion of food or drink, a serving.
- 2004, Susanna Holt, Fitness Food: The Essential Guide to Eating Well and Performing Better, Murdoch Books Australia, page 23,
- The night before your event, base your evening meal on high-carbohydrate foods with a small serve of lean protein.
- 2007, Verity Campbell, Turkey, Lonely Planet, page 142,
- Come here for a cappuccino that could hold its own on Via Veneto in Rome (€2) and a serve of their crunchy fresh cheese börek.
- 2008, Michael E. Cichorski, Maximum Asthma Control: The Revolutionary 3-Step Anti Asthma Program, page 100,
- Reintroduce protein; add a small serve of salmon, tuna or sardines every second day (tinned variety or fresh).
- 2011, Great Britain Parliament House of Commons Health Committee, Alcohol: First Report of Session 2009-10, Volume 2, page 189,
- Smirnoff Appleback was a finished drink, comprising a 50ml serve of Smirnoff, with ice and lemonade or ginger ale and equating to 1.9 units.
- 2012, Lesley Campbell, Alan L. Rubin, Type 2 Diabetes For Dummies, Australian Edition, page 117,
- One serve of carbohydrates is approximately equal to a slice of bread, a piece of fruit, third of a cup of cooked rice, half a cup of grains, cereals, starchy vegetables or cooked pasta, 200 grams of plain yoghurt, or 300 millilitres of milk.
- 2004, Susanna Holt, Fitness Food: The Essential Guide to Eating Well and Performing Better, Murdoch Books Australia, page 23,
- (sports: act of putting the ball or shuttlecock in play): receive
sports: act of putting the ball or shuttlecock in play
AUS: portion of food — see serving
serve (third-person singular simple present serves, present participle serving, simple past and past participle served)
- (heading, personal) To provide a service.
- (transitive) To be a formal servant for (a god or deity); to worship in an official capacity. [from 12thc.]
- 1889, Philip Schaff, translating St. Chrysostom, Homilies, XIV:
- And yet this is not the office of a Priest, but of Him whom the Priest should serve.
- 1889, Philip Schaff, translating St. Chrysostom, Homilies, XIV:
- (transitive) To be a servant for; to work for, to be employed by. [from 13thc.]
- 1716, Joseph Addison, The Drummer
- And, truly, Mrs Abigail, I must needs say, I served my master contentedly while he was living, but I will serve no man living (that is, no man that is not living) without double wages.
- 1959, Georgette Heyer, chapter 1, in The Unknown Ajax:
- […] his lordship was out of humour. That was the way Chollacombe described as knaggy an old gager as ever Charles had had the ill-fortune to serve.
- 1979, Bob Dylan, Gotta Serve Somebody:
- You may be a businessman or some high-degree thief, / They may call you Doctor or they may call you Chief / But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
- 1716, Joseph Addison, The Drummer
- (transitive) To wait upon (someone) at table; to set food and drink in front of, to help (someone) to food, meals etc. [from 13thc.]
- 2007, Larry McMurty, When the Light Goes
- That night Annie served him grilled halibut and English peas, plus tomatoes, of course, and a salad.
- 2007, Larry McMurty, When the Light Goes
- (intransitive) To be a servant or worker; to perform the duties of a servant or employee; to render service. [from 14thc.]
- 1673, John Milton, On His Blindness:
- They also serve who only stand and wait.
- 1673, John Milton, On His Blindness:
- (transitive) To set down (food or drink) on the table to be eaten; to bring (food, drink) to a person. [from 15thc.]
- 2009, Dominic A Pacyga, Chicago: A Biography, p.195:
- About twenty minutes after waiters served the soup, a guest got up and left.
- 2009, Dominic A Pacyga, Chicago: A Biography, p.195:
- (transitive) To be a formal servant for (a god or deity); to worship in an official capacity. [from 12thc.]
- (transitive, archaic) To treat (someone) in a given manner. [from 13thc.]
- 1924, H. Rider Haggard, Belshazzar
- I mock them all who have served me ill of late and chiefly this cheat of Judah, whose temple we have plundered and whose golden vessels are my wash-pots.
- 1924, H. Rider Haggard, Belshazzar
- (transitive, archaic) To be suitor to; to be the lover of. [from 14thc.]
- 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, III.7:
- That gentle Lady, whom I loue and serue.
- 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, III.7:
- (heading) To be effective.
- (transitive) To be useful to; to meet the needs of. [from 14thc.]
- 2010 October 12, Lloyd Marcus, The Guardian
- So, while the sycophantic liberal media calls any and all opposition to Obama racist, they give Obama carte blanche to exploit his race whenever it serves his purpose.
- 2010 October 12, Lloyd Marcus, The Guardian
- (intransitive) To have a given use or purpose; to function for something or to do something. [from 14thc.]
- 2011 January 27, "Borgata bust", The Economist
- The bust also served to remind the public that the Mafia is not harmless.
- 2012 March-April, Terrence J. Sejnowski, “Well-connected Brains”, in American Scientist, volume 100, number 2, page 171:
- Creating a complete map of the human connectome would therefore be a monumental milestone but not the end of the journey to understanding how our brains work. The achievement will transform neuroscience and serve as the starting point for asking questions we could not otherwise have answered, […].
- 2011 January 27, "Borgata bust", The Economist
- (intransitive) To usefully take the place as, instead of something else. [from 14thc.]
- 1879, Richard Jefferies, The Amateur Poacher, chapterII:
- Orion hit a rabbit once; but though sore wounded it got to the bury, and, struggling in, the arrow caught the side of the hole and was drawn out. […]. Ikey the blacksmith had forged us a spearhead after a sketch from a picture of a Greek warrior; and a rake-handle served as a shaft.
- 2010 April 20, "Not up in the air", The Economist
- Maybe the volcanic eruption will serve as a wake-up call to such companies that they need to modernise their risk management.
- 1879, Richard Jefferies, The Amateur Poacher, chapterII:
- (transitive) To be useful to; to meet the needs of. [from 14thc.]
- (heading, transitive, law) To deliver a document.
- To officially deliver (a legal notice, summons etc.). [from 15thc.]
- 2008 April, Pamela Colloff, The Fire That Time, Texas Monthly; Austin: Emmis Publishing, p.158:
- On the morning of February 28, 1993, ATF agents gathered at a staging area near Waco and prepared to serve a search warrant on the Branch Davidians' residence.
- 2008 April, Pamela Colloff, The Fire That Time, Texas Monthly; Austin: Emmis Publishing, p.158:
- To make legal service upon (a person named in a writ, summons, etc.)
- to serve a witness with a subpoena
- To officially deliver (a legal notice, summons etc.). [from 15thc.]
- (transitive, intransitive, sports) To lead off with the first delivery over the net in tennis, volleyball, ping pong, badminton etc. [from 16thc.]
- 2007, Rob Antoun, Women's Tennis Tactics, p.2:
- In women's tennis the need to serve more effectively has become greater in recent years because the game is being played more aggressively, and rallies are becoming shorter as a result.
- 2007, Rob Antoun, Women's Tennis Tactics, p.2:
- (transitive) To copulate with (of male animals); to cover. [from 16thc.]
- 1996, Puck Bonnier et al., Dairy Cattle Husbandry, Agromisa Foundation 2004
- Conception means that a cow is served by a bull and that she becomes pregnant.
- 1996, Puck Bonnier et al., Dairy Cattle Husbandry, Agromisa Foundation 2004
- (intransitive) To be in military service. [from 16thc.]
- 2007 May 16, Peter Walker, The Guardian
- Some reports suggested he would quit the army if he was not allowed to serve abroad in a war zone.
- 2007 May 16, Peter Walker, The Guardian
- (transitive, military) To work, to operate (a weapon). [from 18thc.]
- 1864, Horace Greeley, The American Conflict
- John T. Greble, of the 2d regular artillery, was likewise killed instantly by a ball through the head, while serving his gun in the face of the foe.
- 1864, Horace Greeley, The American Conflict
- (transitive) To work through (a given period of time in prison, a sentence). [from 19thc.]
- 2010 December 1, Tania Branigan, The Guardian
- The Guangzhou Daily reported that Shi Chunlong, 20, who organised the incident, was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Hou Bin, who pulled out of the attack after helping to plan it, will serve 12 years.
- 2010 December 1, Tania Branigan, The Guardian
- (nautical) To wind spun yarn etc. tightly around (a rope or cable, etc.) so as to protect it from chafing or from the weather.
Derived terms
Related terms
to work for
religion: to obey and worship
to be subordinate to
to attend, supply the wants of
to bring food to
to spend time (of punishment)
sports: to lead off with first delivery (of the ball)
to wind spun yarn
to be a servant
to be in service
to be of use
- IPA(key): /sɛʁv/
- first-person and third-person singular present subjunctive of servir