Definition 2025





sjèbati pf (Cyrillic spelling сјѐбати)

  1. (transitive, vulgar) to **** up, ruin, **** up
    majmune, sve si sjebao! ― idiot, you ruined everything!
    sjebao sam ga ― I screwed him up
    sad ću je sjebati/da je sjebem! ― I'll **** her up now!
    nam(j)estio sam ti dobru ribu, a ti moraš sve sjebati/da sjebeš ― I set you up a nice chick, and you had to **** it all up
    taj alkohol će ti sjebati mozak, čov(j)eče ― that alcohol will **** your brain up, dude
    Ivana je glupa kuja koja ti voli sjebati mozak ― Ivana is a dumb bitch who likes **** with your brain
  2. (reflexive, vulgar) to hurt or inflict damage upon oneself
    baš sam se sjebao! ― I really fucked myself up!
    mislim da sam se sjebao gore nego vi ― I think I screwed myself up more than you did



  • sjebati” in Hrvatski jezični portal