Definition 2025
See also: stads

stāds m (1st declension)
- plant, plantlet, seedling (young, usually not large plant, which was grown from planted seeds, cuttings, etc. and, if need be, transfered to a permanent place)
- tomātu stāds ― tomato plant(let)
- kāpostu stāds ― cabbage plant(let)
- atnest no meža egļu stādu ― to bring a spruce seedling from the forest
- puķu stādus pa lielākai daļai izaudzē lecektīs agrā pavasarī un pēc tam izstāda puķu dobēs ― flowering plants for the most part are grown in frames in early spring and then planted into flower beds
- zemeņu jau te nav nevienam... es pati atvedu stādus; kad gadījās laba raža, pa druskai pārdevām citiem ― there aren't any strawberries here anymore... I myself have brought (strawberry) plants, bushes; when there is a good harvest, we will sell them to other people in small amounts
- kokaudzētava “Kreiči” apgādā adminsitratīvā rajona saimniecības ar augļu koku stādiem ― the tree nursery “Kreiči” provides the farms of this administrative district with fruit tree seedlings
Declension of stāds (1st declension)
Usage notes
Augs is the basic term for "plants." Stāds usually refers to plants that were actually planted (e.g., in a garden) by someone, not to wild plants.
- augs
- dēsts
Related terms
- ↑ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “stāds”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7