Definition 2025
stāvēt intr., 3rd conj., pres. stāvu, stāvi, stāv, past stāvēju
- to stand (to be in an upright position, supported by one's legs)
- stāvēt nekustīgi, mierīgi ― to stand still
- stāvēt stalti ― to stand tall
- stāvēt taisni ― to stand up straight
- stāvēt uz pirkstgaliem ― to stand on (one's) toes
- stāvēt uz vienas kājas ― to stand on one leg
- stāvēt uz ceļiem ― to stand on (one's) knees
- stāvēt uz rokām ― to stand one (one's) hands
- stāvēt uz galvas ― to stand one (one's) head
- stāvēt ar muguru pret durvīm ― to stand with (one's) back to the door
- stāv, atspiedies pret krāsni ― he stands, leaning against the stove
- suns stāv pie durvīm ― the dog is standing at the door
- stāvēt pakaļkājās, uz pakaļkājām ― to stand on its hind legs
- stāv ka stabs ― he stands like a pillar
- stāvēt sētsvidū ― to stand in the courtyard
- stāvēt uz ielas ― to stand on the street
- stāvēt pie loga ― to stand by the window
- stāvēt zem koka ― to stand under the tree
- stāvēt blakus tēvam ― to stand near (one's) father
- stāvēt lietū ― to stand under the rain
- stāvēt rindā pie kases ― to stand in line at the checkout
- ilgi stāvēju pie autobusa pieturas ― I stood a while at the bus stop
- nav pieklājīgi visu laiku kājās stāvēt! apsēdies! ― it is not polite to be standing on one's legs all the time! do sit down!
- viņš nokļuva pie sārta, ap kuru liels pulks cilvēku stāvēja un sēdēja ― he came to the fire, around which a large crowd of people stood and sat
- (of objects) to stand (to be in an upright position, resting on its base, so that it does not fall over)
- svece stāv taisni ― the candle is standing straight
- masts stāv slīpi ― the mast is standing at an angle
- to stand, to work, to be (to perform some activity, to do one's work, one's duty, usually in an upright position)
- stāvēt aiz letes ― to stand, work behind the counter
- stāvēt pie plīts ― to stand, work at the stove
- stāvēt pie virpas ― to stand, work at the lathe
- stāvēt godasardzē ― to stand, be in the honor guard
- stāvēt postenī ― to stand, be in one's position, station
- stāvēt sardzē ― to stand in guard (= to defend something)
- katrs matrozis pēc kārtas te vienu stundu un divdesmit minūtes stāvēja pie stūres ― each sailor would stand an hour and twenty minutes at the helm, following a row
- (usually in the imperative) to stop (to interrupt one's motion, to remain immobile)
- stāvi, citādi šaušu! ― stop (= freeze), or else I'll shoot!
- (of vehicles) to stop, to not be in motion (somehwere)
- vienu dienu skatos: Igora traktors stāv ― one day I look: Igors' tractor is standing (= idle, not in use)
- vilciens pašreiz stāvēja pie kādas mazas lauku piestātnes, kur ņēma slimajiem tējas ūdeni ― the train was now standing at the small platform of a field, where the sick were being given tea water
- netālu stāv kāds liels amerikāņu tvaikonis, kurā iekrauj milzīgus sarkankoka stumbrus ― not far stood a large American steamber, in which large redwood trunks were being loaded
- (of machines) to stop, to not work
- visus šos mēnešus pulkstenis bija stāvējis ― all those months the clock had stood (= had not worked)
- dzirnavas strādāja... ja vecais Pakalns nebūtu noaudis siksnu, varbūt tās vēl tagad stāvētu ― the mills were working... if the old Pakalns had not woven/made the strap, maybe they would still be standing (= not working)
- (of flying objects, creatures) to be, to hover (to hover, to remain in the air, without much changing position)
- debesīs augstu stāv vanags ― high in the sky was, hovered(lit. stood) a hawk
- viens mākonis apstājies stāv ― one cloud, having stopped, stands (= does not move)
- mākoņi nekad nevar norimt, kaut arī liekas stāvam uz vietas ― clouds can never fade (away), they just seem somehow to stand (= be) in one place
- mežmalā virs dumbrāja... lidinājās plēsīgais vanags; it kā gaisā pakāries, tas ilgāku laiku stāvēja uz vietas, bet tad līdzīgi akmenim stāvus nokrita lejā ― over the edge of a forest swap... hovered a hunting hawk; as if hanging in the air, he stood for a long time in one place, and then fell down standing like a stone
- (figuratively, of work) to stand (to not be done, to not progress, to not be carried out)
- nepabeigtais romāns stāv ― the unfinished novel stands (= is not being written, is not going forward)
- adīklis stāv neaiztikts ― the knitting stood (= remained) untouched
- laiks gāja uz priekšu, bet sporta laukuma būve stāvēja uz vietas ― time went by, but the building of the sports field stood in place (= did not progress)
- trūkstot rezerves daļu; un, ja nav ko likt salūzušo vietā, tad laiks iet, bet remonts stāv ― spare parts (were) lacking; and, if you don't have anything to put in the broken part, then time goes by, but the reparation stands (= does not progress)
- (usually of objects) to be, to be located (to occupy a certain position, place)
- istabas vidū stāv galds ― (there) stands (= is) a table in the middle of the room
- uz galda stāv šķīvji ― (there) stand (= are) plates on the table
- pie ārdurvīm stāv kājslauķis ― at the door (there) stands (= is) a doormat
- pagalmā stāv automobilis ― (there) stands (= is) an automobile in the courtyard
- kalnā aiz sirmiem ķeltiem stāvēja ķēniņa pils ― on the hill, behind the gray Celts, stood the king's palace
- skolas ēka stāvēja gandrīz uz ezera krasta ― the school building stood almost on the lake shore
- dārza stūrī stāvēja resna resna liepa ― at the corner of the garden stood a thick, thick linden tree
- (of food, animals, etc.) to be, to be kept (to be stored, conserved, kept somewhere)
- visa nauda stāvēja pie tēva ― all the money stood (= was kept) with father
- kartupeļi pa ziemu stāv pagrabā ― potatoes for the winter stand (= are stored) in the cellar
- vai lopi līdz vakaram lai kūtī stāv? ― should the animals stand (= be kept) in the barn until summer?
- (of people) to stand, to remain somewhere; to be somewhere (e.g., in order to observe something)
- bet nekad vakaros es istabā nestāvēju; gāju uz kapiem, staigāju pa mežu ― but I never stood (= stayed) in (my) room in the evening; I went to the graves, I walked through the woods
- Tāle neparko nebija piedabūjama stāvēt pie lopiem salas krūmajā ― Tāle could never be convined to stand by (= stay near, watch over) the animals in the island scrub
- (of military forces, positions) to be in a certain territory, place
- bataljons stāv savā vietā ― the battalion stood (= was) in its place (= position)
- divīzija stāvēja atpūtā, saņēma papildinājumu, mācījās ― the division stood (= was) not on duty, received a supplement, studied
- divas nedēļas tur netālu bija stāvējusi fronte ― for two weeks the front had stood (= stayed) there, not far
- (of heavenly bodies) to be visible in a certain position
- saule stāv zemu ― the sun stands (= is) low
- mēness jau stāvēja virs egļu galotnēm un apgaismoja ceļu ― the moon stood (= was) already above the tops of the spruce trees and illuminated the road
- (of cloud-like natural phenomena) to occur somewhere
- saules nav; viņas vietā stāv biezi miglas mūri ― (there) was no sun; instead of it, (there) stood (= were) thick walls of fog
- pār Rīgu stāvēja zilgana novakares dūmaka ― a bluish evening haze stood over Rīga
- (of texts, words) to be written, printed somewhere; to be present in a text, utterance
- sauca viņu Metuzalemu, tā arī stāvēja pasē un krustāmzīmē ― he was called Metuzalem, that's what stood (= was written) in (his) passport and in (his) baptism certificate
- latviešu valodā teikuma priekšmets parasti stāv pirms izteicēja ― in the Latvian language, the sentence subject usually stands (= is, comes) before the predicate
- to stand (to remain, to resist against time, to conserve itself)
- mana pilsēta stāvēs ilgi ― my city will stand (very) long
- svaiga gaļa ilgi nestāv ― fresh meat does not stand (= stay good) long
- kā kartupeļi pa ziemu stāvējuši? ― how have the potatoes stood the winter?
- rasa stāv līdz pusdienai ― the dew stands (= stays) till noon
- viņam nauda nestāv ― money does not stand (= remain) on him (= he spends too much)
- vecā sviestā iemīcījusi sāli, lai ilgāk stāv; apēdīsim ― (I) had added salt to the old butter, so that it would stand (= remain unspoiled) longer; let us eat it
- maja bija būvēta no sila priežu guļbaļķiem vismaz prims gadiem piecdesmit, taču tā stāvēs vēl droši savus simt gadus ― the house was built of pine tree logs at least fifty years ago, but it will stand maybe a hundred years
- lai stāv ziedi, lai aug ― let the flowers stand (= be, i.e. remain undisturbed), let them grow
- (of clothes, their parts) to stand, to sit (to conform well to the body, its parts)
- uzvalks stāv labi ― the suit stands (= sits) well
- ceru, ka kleita tev der... tikai... ja tev nepatīk, kā stāv roku volāni... ― I hope the dress fits you well... only... if you don't like how the sleeve ruffles sit... (we can do something about that)
- ja Antonija man teiks: šis drēbes gabals jums stāv kā uzliets, es nešaubīgi ticēšu ― if Antonia tells me: this article of clothing fits you like a glove (lit. sits as if poured), I will believe it without any doubt
- (with an adjective or adjectival expression) to stand, to be (to have some property, especially for a limited amount of time)
- stāvēt klusu, klusam ― to stand (= be, remain) silent
- logs stāv pusvirus ― the window stands, is ajar
- istaba stāv tukša ― the room stands, is empty
- durvis stāv vaļā ― the door stands, is open
- dārzs stāv neravēts ― the garden stands, is unweeded
- koki stāv pašā plaukumā ― the trees stand, are in full bloom
- stāvēt mierā ― to stand (= be) calm, quiet
- stāvēt ciets ― to stand closed (= to not give milk, e.g., a cow)
- jūs abas zināt tikai dīkā stāvēt; drīz sanāks ļaudis, zāle nepušķota! ― the two of you only know how to stand (= be) idle; soon people will come, (and) the grass (is still) not decorated!
- (used impersonally, with ar) to stand, to be (in a situation, state), to go (in a certain way)
- ar mājas kopšanu un labošanu arī stāvēja diezgan vāji ― with the maintenance and repair of the house it stood (= was going) rather weakly (= not much was being done)
- ļoti viņš interesējās par to, kā tagad stāv ar kopējo lietu un kas tur tagad visvairāk strādā ― he was very interested in how it now is standing (= going) with the common thing (= property) and who was working the most there
conjugation of stāvēt
Derived terms
- prefixed verbs:
Related terms
- ↑ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “stāvēt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7