Definition 2025




Starp (1)
Starp (2)


starp (with accusative)

  1. used to locate an object in the space defined by two others; between
    sēdēt starp tēvu un māti ― to sit between father and mother
    starp viņiem atradās tikai Norabetween them was only Nora
    mežs starp upi un pilsētu ― the forest between the river and the city
    galds atrodas starp skapi un logu ― the table is situated between the cabinet and the window
    ieplaka starp divām augstienēm ― a depression between two elevations
    skraidīt starp kūti un klēti ― to run between the (granary) barn and the (animal) barn
    starp diviem punktiem var novilkt tikai vienu taisnibetween two points (one) can draw only one straight line
  2. used to locate an object in a space defined by many others; among, amid
    sēdēt starp draugiem ― to sit among friends
    starp kokiem redzams šķūnis ― the shed is visible among the trees
    putns nozūd starp ēkām ― the bird disappeared among the buildings
    bibliotekāre rosās starp grāmatu plauktiem ― the librarian is busy among the bookshelves
  3. used to locate an object in a space defined by many others pairwise; among, between
    attālumi starp zvaigznēm ir miljoniem reižu lielāki par pašām zvaigznēm ― the distances between stars are millions to times larger than the stars themselves
  4. used to correlate a time period within a larger time period defined by two events or points in time; between
    starp pirmo un septīto oktobribetween 1st and 7th of October
    starp rītu un vakarubetween morning and evening
    atpūta starp siena pļauju un labības pļauju ― (period of) rest between the hay harvest and the grain harvest
  5. used to estimate a value or measurement within a certain interval; between
    temperatūra starp desmit un divpadsmit grādiem ― temperature between ten and twelve degrees
    kravas masa ir starp 100 un 120 kilogramiem ― the mass of (this) load is between 100 and 100 kilograms
  6. used to indicate a comparison between two or more elements; between, among
    sāk izzust atšķirība starp laukiem un pilsētu ― he began to feel the difference between the countryside and the city
    starp gleznotāja darbiem šis ir labākaisamong the painter's works, this is the best
  7. used to indicate a division between two or more goals; between
    sākumā viņš savu brīvu laiku dalīja starp šo grāmatu un veco harmoniju kaktā ― at first he divided his time between this book and the old harmonium in the corner
  8. used to indicate a certain level of secrecy; between, among
    starp mums runājot, arī tava ceļazīme bija tikai formalitāte ― speaking between us, your voucher was also only a formality
  9. used to indicate a mutual relationship; between, among
    starp viņiem nav saskaņasbetween them there is no harmony
    miers starp tautām ― peace among the nations
    cīņa starp divām komandām ― the fight between the two detachments, brigades
  10. (figuratively) used to indicate a boundary or transitional zone between events, states, situations; between
    zēns stāvēja uz robežas starp pasaku un īstenību ― the boy was standing on the border between fairy tale and reality
    tava dzīve: izvilkta stīga starp darbu un mīlestību ― your life: a string pulled between work and love
    tas bija brauciens starp dzīvību un nāvi ― this was a journey between life and death


Derived terms

compounds (quasi-prefix):

Related terms

  • starpa
  • starpība
  • starpnieks, starpniece, starpniecība


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), starpa”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7