Definition 2025

Strēles (1)

Zibens strēle (3)

Zemes strēle (5)
Alternative forms
- (dialectal form) strēla
strēle f (5th declension)
- (chiefly figuratively) arrow, dart (projectile thrown with a bow)
- traucas kā izšauta strēle ― speeding, rushing like an arrow (lit. like a shot arrow)
- arrow (a component part that is thin and long, usually used for pointing)
- pa skalu slīd strēle, norādīdama iegrimes dziļumu ― along the scale the arrow moved, showing the depth of the sinking
- kad Lilija pēdējo reizi paraudzījās pulkstenī, zeltītās strēles iezīmēja ceturksni uz deviņiem ― when Lilija last looked at the clock, the golden arrows showed a quarter of nine
- something narrow and elongated like an arrow
- ledus gan plaisāja sīkās strēlēs, tomēr izturēja ― the ice did crack in tiny arrows, but it held, endured
- (of light) beam, ray
- putekļi vērpās saules strēlēs, kas staroja iekšā pa logu ― the dust was spinning under (lit. in) the sun rays which shone in through the window
- kā ugunīga pātaga tumsu pārcirta zibens strēle — like a fiery whip, the lightning bolt (lit. arrow, ray) cut thourgh the dakrness
- (of gas, fog, smoke) narrow, elongated formation, strip
- pāri debesīm traucās melnas mākoņu strēles, brīžiem aizsegdamas mēnesi ― across the sky rushed black cloud strips, sometimes hiding the moon
- zilganas dūmu strēles peldēja pāri ievu krūmiem ― bluish smoke strips floated across the cherry bushes
- (of land, territory) strip, stretch (narrow, elongated area)
- zemes, smilšu strēle ― a strip of land, of sand
- tāda bija jūrmala šai ciemā: šaura krasta strēle ― such was the seaside at (= near) this village: a narrow stretch of coast
- (technology) jib, boom (the projecting arm of a crane)
- līgani pagriezās celtņa strēle ― smoothly turned the crane jib, boom
Declension of strēle (5th declension)
singular (vienskaitlis) | plural (daudzskaitlis) | |
nominative (nominatīvs) | strēle | strēles |
accusative (akuzatīvs) | strēli | strēles |
genitive (ģenitīvs) | strēles | strēļu |
dative (datīvs) | strēlei | strēlēm |
instrumental (instrumentālis) | strēli | strēlēm |
locative (lokatīvs) | strēlē | strēlēs |
vocative (vokatīvs) | strēle | strēles |
Usage notes
The preferred term for "arrow" as a weapon is bulta, while strēle is more frequently used metaphorically, or when talking about pointing signs or component parts.
Derived terms
- strēlnieks, strēlniece
- (archaic term) strēlēt
See also
- ↑ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “strēle”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7