Definition 2025
Tilta loki (2)

Loks (4)

Loks (1)

Loks (3)
loks m (1st declension)
- (geometry) arc (continuous part of a circle or curve)
- aprēķināt loka garumu ― to calculate the arc length
- uzvilkt loku ar cirkuli ― to draw an arc with a pair of compasses
- arch, rim, cycle, circle (object, structure, configuration, etc. with the shape of part or the whole of a circle)
- tilta loki ― bridge arches
- pilsētas kanāla loka tilts ― the city canal's arched bridge
- riteņa loks ― wheel rim
- varavīksnes loks ― rainbow arch
- asinsrites loks ― blood circulation cycle (pulmonary, systemic)
- polārais loks (also: riņķis) ― polar circle (66°33′ N and S)
- elektriskais loks ― voltaic (lit. electric) arch
- Pēteri sajūsmināja celtņu straujās un mierīgās līnijas, arku loki, Rīgas baroka un gotikas pārsteigumi ― Peter was fascinated by the buildings' rapid and peaceful lines, by the arches, by Rīga's barroque and gothic surprises
- zem acīm pēdējās nedēļās rūpes un nemiers bija iekrāsojuši tumšus lokus ― under (his) eyes the worries and anxiety of the last weeks had drawn a dark arch, circle
- kalni, kuriem viņi tuvojās, veidoja milzīgu apaļu, noslēgtu loku ― the mountains which they approached formed a huge closed circular arch
- visi sakustas, iet, stājas lokā, atskan dziesma ― all (students) move, go, form and stay in an arch, (and) a song is heard
- vesela labi abruņota vācu armija ciešā lokā apņēma partizānu novadu ― the whole well-armed German army surrounded the partisan region in a tight arch
- (archery) bolt (hand weapon for throwing arrows)
- uzvilkt loku ― to pull (one's) bow
- loka šaušana ― archery (lit. bow shooting)
- loka šāvējs ― archer (lit. bow shooter)
- loks senlatviešiem, šķiet, bijis vairāk medību ierocis un kā patstāvīgs cīņas ierocis mazāk lietots ― the bow of the ancient Latvians, it seems, was more used as a hunting weapon and less as a stand-alone fighting weapon
- shaft bow (part of the traditional horse harness used in the Baltic countries, consisting of a wooden bow that arches over the horse's back, keeping the shafts away from the horse's sides)
- zirga loks ― shaft bow (lit. horse's arch, bow)
- aiz kalna tikai braucēji līdz pusei un zirga galva ar kaklu un loku vēl bija redzama ― from behind the hill, only half of the riders(' bodies) and the horse's head with the neck and the shaft bow was still visible
- arch (a path, movement, or direction similar to part or the whole of a circle)
- cīrulis slaidā lokā nolidoja zālē ― the lark flew in a sharp arch in(to) the hall
- tramvaja loka līnija ― the tram's curved, arched, cicular line
- (of people) circle (a specific group of people)
- speciālistu loks ― specialist circle
- ģimenes loks ― family circle
- tuvinieku un radu lokā viņu apbrīnoja ― in the circle of family and relatives he was admired
- (of processes, phenomena) range, domain, circle
- interešu loks ― range, domain, circle of interests
- tēmu un problēmu loks rakstnieka darbos ― the range of themes and problems in the works of a writer
Declension of loks (1st declension)
Related terms
- liekt
- locīt
- lokans
- loka šaušana
See also
loks (def. lokais, comp. lokāks, sup. vislokākais; adv. loki)
indefinite declension (nenoteiktā galotne) of loks
masculine (vīriešu dzimte) | feminine (sieviešu dzimte) | ||||||||
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) |
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) |
nominative (nominatīvs) | loks | loki | loka | lokas | |||||
accusative (akuzatīvs) | loku | lokus | loku | lokas | |||||
genitive (ģenitīvs) | loka | loku | lokas | loku | |||||
dative (datīvs) | lokam | lokiem | lokai | lokām | |||||
instrumental (instrumentālis) | loku | lokiem | loku | lokām | |||||
locative (lokatīvs) | lokā | lokos | lokā | lokās | |||||
vocative (vokatīvs) | — | — | — | — | |||||
- ↑ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “loks”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7