Webster 1913 Edition
. 1.
M, the thirteenth letter of the English alphabet, is a vocal consonant, and from the manner of its formation, is called the labio-nasal consonant. See Guide to Pronunciation, §§ 178-180, 242.
The letter M came into English from the Greek, through the Latin, the form of the Greek letter being further derived from the Phœnician, and ultimately, it is believed, from the Egyptian. Etymologically M is related to n, in lime, linden; emmet, ant; also to b.
M is readily followed by b and p. the position of the lips in the formation of both letters being the same. The relation of b and m is the same as that of d and t to n. and that of g and k to ng .2.
As a numeral, M stands for one thousand, both in English and Latin.
A quadrat, the face or top of which is a perfect square; also, the size of such a square in any given size of type, used as the unit of measurement for that type: 500 m’s of pica would be a piece of matter whose length and breadth in pica m's multiplied together produce that number.
[Written also
.] 2.
A brand or stigma, having the shape of an M, formerly impressed on one convicted of manslaughter and admitted to the benefit of clergy.
M roof
, a kind of roof formed by the junction of two common roofs with a valley between them, so that the section resembles the letter M.
Webster 1828 Edition
is the thirteenth letter of the English Alphabet, and a labial articulation, formed by a compression of the lips. It is called a semi-vowel, as the articulation or compression of the lips is accompanied with a humming sound through the nose, which constitutes a difference between this letter and b. Its sound is uniform; as in man, time, rim.M
is a numeral letter, and among the ancients stood for a thousand; a use which is retained by the moderns. With a dash or stroke over it, it stands for a thousand times a thousand, or a million.As an abbreviation, M stands for Marcus, Martius, Manlius or Mutius.
Definition 2025
Composition: m [U+006D] + ́ [U+0301]
See also: Appendix:Variations of "m"
ḿ lower case (upper case Ḿ)
- The letter m with an acute accent.
See also
- (Latin script): Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Sſs Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
- (Variations of letter M): Ḿḿ Ṁṁ Ṃṃ ᵯ ᶆ Ɱɱ ᴍ Mm
- (Letters using acute accent or double acute accent): Áá Ắắ Ấấ Ǻǻ Ćć Ḉḉ Éé Ếế Ǵǵ Íí Ḯḯ Ḱḱ Ĺĺ Ḿḿ Ńń Óó Őő Ớớ Ṍṍ Ǿǿ Ṕṕ Ŕŕ Śś Úú Űű Ứứ Ẃẃ Ýý Źź Ǽǽ