Definition 2025



See also: dziedat




dziedāt tr. or intr., 3rd conj. irregular, pres. dziedu, dziedi, dzied, past dziedāju

  1. to sing (to use one's voice to produce musical sounds)
    dziedāt klusā balsī ― to sing in a soft voice
    dziedāt divbalsīgi ― to sing in two voices
    meitene labi dzied ― the girl sings well
    mācīties dziedāt ― to learn to sing
    dziedot dzimu, dziedot augu, dziedot mūžu nodzīvojusinging I am born, singing I grow, singing I live (my) life
  2. to sing (to reproduce a song with one's voice)
    dziedāt tautas dziesmas ― to sing folk songs
    protams, Šūberta dziesmas jādzied vienkārši; melodijai jāplūst dabīgi ― of course, one must sing Schubert's songs in a simple way; the melody must flow naturally
  3. to sing (to practice a vocal art; to participate in a singing group, to play a singing role in a musical performance)
    dziedāt operas teātrī ― to sing an opera in the theater
    dziedāt pašdarbības kolektīvā ― to sing in an amateur group
    dziedāt koncertā, korī, izrādē ― to sing in a concert, choir, show
    dziedāt titullomu operas izrādē ― to sing the title role in an opera performance
  4. (in 3rd person; of certain birds, insects) to sing (to produce sounds, often melodious sounds, typical of its species)
    gailis dzied ― the rooster crows (lit. sings)
    viens putniņš zara galā dzied ― one little bird is singing at the end of a branch
    kur klusā naktī lakstīgalas dzied, tur klausīties man labprāt tīkas iet ― where in the silent night the nightingales sing, there I would love to go listen
    “circenis!” bērni sāka čukstēt: “circenis dzied!” ― “crickets!” the children began whispering: “the crickets are singing
  5. (in 3rd person; of musical instruments, or other sources of sound) to sing (to produce a musical, melodious sound)
    maigi dzied vijole ― the violin sings softly
    vējš dzied skurstenī ― the wind sings in the chimney
    žžž... žžž... šujmašīnas dzied savu darba dziesmu ― žžž... žžž... the sewing machines are singing their work song
  6. (poetic) to sing (to write, to recite poetry)
    dzejnieks dzied par tām pašām vecām lietām: par dabu un mīlestību ― the poet sings about those same old things: nature and love


Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
  • aizdziedāt
  • apdziedāt
  • atdziedāt
  • iedziedāt
  • izdziedāt
  • nodziedāt
  • padziedāt
  • pārdziedāt
  • piedziedāt
  • sadziedāt
  • uzdziedāt
other derived terms:

Related terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), dziedāt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7