Definition 2025
rakstīt tr., 3rd conj., pres. rakstu, raksti, raksta, past rakstīju
- to write (to fix (a word, a sentence, a text by means of writing; to make, form letters with a writing instrument)
- prast labi rakstīt ― to know how to write well
- mācīties rakstīt ar rakstāmmašīnu ― to learn to type (lit. write) with a typewriter
- rakstīt diktātu ― to write a dictation
- mācīties rakstīt burtus ― to learn to write the letters, the alphabet
- tu vari rakstīt arī šos vārdus par devīzi ― you can also write these words as (your) motto
- lekcijā visus valodu piemērus profesors nekļūdīgi rakstījis no galvas ― during the class, the professor (had) written all language examples from memory without mistakes
- mēs rakstām... katru līniju, katru burta līkumu Jānis izvelk ar nopietnību ― we are writing... every line, every stroke of (every) letter Jānis drew with (full) seriousness
- to write (to send a letter, a written message, to someone)
- tu raksti tam, kas tevi sapratīs ― you (should) write to someone who understands you
- to write (to be usable for writing)
- pildspalva raksta viegli, it kā pati no sevis ― the pen writes easily, as if by itself
- to write (to compose, to create an original text, expressing one's ideas, feelings, etc.)
- rakstīt dzejoļus, lugu ― to write poems, a play
- rakstīt referāta tezes ― to write an abstract
- rakstīt ievadrakstu ― to write an introduction
- rakstīt interviju ― to write an interview
- rakstīt par dabas aizsardzību ― to write about nature conservation
- rakstīt par zinātnes sasniegumiem ― to write about the achievements of science
- franču prese daudz raksta par izglītības problēmām ― the French press writes a lot about education problems
- (of music, songs, etc.) to write, to compose
- rakstīt simfoniju ― to write a symphony
- 'rakstīt operu ― to write opera
- bija jau sen zināms, ka Ravels ir smagi slims, ka viņš vairs nespēj mūziku rakstīt ― it had been known for a while that Ravel was very sick, that he no longer could write music
- (of clothes, fabric, metal etc.) to sew, to knit, to weave, to forge in such a way that the resulting object contains symbols, letters, patterns
- sieva auda un rakstīja cauru nakti skaistu, skaistu lakatu ― (his) wife knitted and inscribed through the night a beautiful, beautiful scarf
- rakstītos gredzenos Saule un Mēness atstarosies ― in the inscribed rings, the Sun and the Moon were reflected (= their light was reflected on the rings)
conjugation of rakstīt
Derived terms
- prefixed verbs:
- other derived terms:
- rakstība
- rakstīties
Related terms
- ↑ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “rakstīt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7