Definition 2025



See also: lasit



lasīt tr., 3rd conj., pres. lasu, lasi, lasa, past lasīju

  1. to read (to perceive and understand written language, a word, sentence, text, etc.)
    prast lasīt un rakstīt ― to know how to read and write
    lasīt par arhitektūru ― to read about architecture
    lasīt daiļliteratūru ― to read fiction
    lasīt avīzes ― to read newspapers
    lasīt romānu, dzejoli ― to read a novel
    lasīt rakstu žurnālā ― to read an article in a magazine
    lasīt paziņojumu, uzrakstu ― to read a statement, an inscription
    lasīt ēdienu karti ― to read the men
    lasīt balsī, skaļi ― to read aloud
    lasīt priekšā ― to read aloud (to an audience)
    viņš daudz lasa ― he reads a lot
    esmu lasījis, ka salas esot ļoti skaistas ― I have read that the islands are very beautiful
    vēstuli vajadzēja lasīt divas reizes ― one has to read the letter twice
    vai viņš arī patiesi lasīja vai tik grāmatā skatījās, tas nav zināms ― whether he really was reading or only looking at the book was not clear
    Ģirts lasa medicīniskajās grāmatās nodaļas par galvas traumām ― Ģirts is reading the chapter on head injuries in the medical book
    Kad zēnu aizveda uz skolu, viņš jau brīvi lasīja un rēķināja ― when they (first) sent the boy to school, he (could) already read and do math well
  2. to read (to understand the meaning of symbols, signs, pictures, plans, etc.)
    lasīt rasējumu ― to read the blueprints
    lasīt notis, partitūru ― to read notes (or sheet music), a (musical) score
    lasīt pēdas sniegā ― to read footprints in the snow
    prast lasīt jūras kartes ― to know how to read nautical charts
    lasīt starp rindām ― to read between the lines (i.e. to understand the implied, but not overtly expressed, meaning of a text)
  3. (of mental states) to read (to sense, to perceive through its external manifestations)
    lasīt domas ― to read (or guess) (someone's) thoughts
    lasīt dvēselē, sirdī ― to read in (someone's) soul, heart (i.e. to understand someone's feelings)
    es lasu viņa sejā nožēlu un to, ka viņš jūtas ļoti nepatīkami ― I read the regret in his face, and the fact that he feels very uncomfortable
  4. (of topics, subjects) to read, to lecture (to express, to communicate, to explain (a topic) in a lecture, presentation, etc.; to teach a topic (e.g., at a university))
    lasīt leksikogrāfiju ― to teach (lit. read) lexicography
    etnogrāfijas kurss Latvijas Universitātē līdz 1938. gadam netika lasīts ― the ethnography course of the University of Latvia was not taught (lit. read) until 1938
    pašlaik dzejnieks jau lasa lekciju universitātē par mūsdienu kritikas jautājumiem ― the poet currently reads lectures (or teaches) at the university on contemporary issues of criticism
    man patiesībā ir neērti, jums te lasīt sprediķi ― I am actually embarrassed to be preaching (lit. reading) you a sermon
    “Tēt, lūdzu, tikai nelasi lekciju!” Rita iesaucas ― “dad, please, just don't preach (lit. read a lecture),” Rita exclaims
  5. (of poems) to read, to recite (to read aloud, following the meter and rhyme)
    aktieri lasīja dzeju ― the actors read (or recited) poetry
    Lidija Freimane vācu skatītājiem viņu dzimtajā valodā lasīja Plūdoņa “Atraitnes dēlu” ― Lidija Freimane read (or recited) Plūdonis' “The Widow's Son” to the German audience in their native language (i.e. in German)
  6. to pick, to collect, by plucking or from the ground, usually one at a time
    lasīt ogas, zēnes ― to pick berries, mushrooms
    lasīt nokritušos ābolus ― to pick the fallen apples
    lasīt mežā žagarus ― to pick, gather twigs in the forest
    māte lasīs mežā sēnes ― mother will pick mushrooms in the forest
    viņa lasīja zālītes un saknes, ar ko ārstēt slimniekus ― she picked (or collected) herbs and roots with which (she could) treat the sick
    pēcpusdienā puikas lasa nokritušās ozola zīles ― in the afternoon the boys gathered the fallen acorns
    strazdi un zvirbuļi staigā turpat aiz mums un lasa sliekas un kukainīšus ― the starlings and sparrows walk right behind us and pick earthworms and little insects
  7. to pick from, to take out of (somewhere), usually one at a time
    lasīt ārā graudus no pelavām ― to pick, take the grains (of wheat) from the chaff
    lasīt no kastes lielākos ābolus ― to pick, take the biggest apples from the crate
    lasīt grozā ābolus ― to pick apples (and put them) in a basket
    lasīt kartupeļus maisā ― to pick potatoes (from the ground and put them) in a bag
    es lasīju no viņas matiem nobirušos ziedus ― I picked the flowers that had fallen on her hair
  8. (rare) to gather, to collect
    mana māte mazgāja buržujiem veļu un grīdas, lasīja pa pagalmiem lupatas, kaulus, pudeles, vecas kalošas ― my mother washed the bourgeois' clothes and floor, (and) collected rags, bones, bottles (and) old footwear from the courtyards
  9. (rare) to gather (people)
    (viņš) kopā lasa pulku ― (he) gathers the regiment together



Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
  • aizlasīt
  • aplasīt
  • atlasīt
  • ielasīt
  • izlasīt
  • nolasīt
  • palasīt
  • pārlasīt
  • pielasīt
  • salasīt
  • uzlasīt
other derived terms:
  • lasītājs, lasītāja
  • lasīties


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), lasīt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7