Definition 2025
Diacritical mark
- The acute accent.
- (linguistics) Non-IPA stressed-syllable indicator, named oksia, similar to an acute accent.
- (linguistics) Used to indicate high tone.
- (nonstandard, Internet) An apostrophe (')
See also
- ˈ (“IPA primary stress mark”)
Ancient Greek

Diacritical mark
- A diacritical mark of the Greek script, called ὀξύς (oxús, “sharp”) in Ancient Greek, and found on Ά (Á)/ά (á), Έ (É)/έ (é), Ή (Ḗ)/ή (ḗ), Ί (Í)/ί (í), Ό (Ó)/ό (ó), Ύ (Ú)/ύ (ú) and Ώ (Ṓ)/ώ (ṓ).
Diacritical mark
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Diacritical mark
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Diacritical mark
- A diacritical mark of the Latin script, called accent agut (“acute accent”) in Catalan, and found on É/é, Í/í, Ó/ó and Ú/ú.
Usage notes
The acute accent indicates that a close-mid or close vowel is pronounced stressed. Stressed open-mid or open vowels are indicated with a grave accent `.
Diacritical mark
- A diacritical mark of the Latin script, called čárka (“line”) in Czech, and found on Á/á, É/é, Í/í, Ó/ó, Ú/ú and Ý/ý.
Usage notes
The acute accent indicates that a vowel is pronounced long. The letter Ů/ů also indicates a long vowel and is pronounced the same as Ú/ú.
Diacritical mark
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Diacritical mark
- A diacritical mark of the Latin script, called accent aigu (“acute accent”) in Dutch, and found on Á/á, É/é, Í/í, Ó/ó, Ú/ú and Ý/ý.
Usage notes
The acute accent is used to disambiguate words when the placement of stress is important to distinguish meanings (e.g., één in its numerical sense of “one”). It is also used to place emphasis on a specific word or syllable. It is also retained in some French loanwords, mostly to distinguish /eː/ from /ə/.
Diacritical mark
- A diacritical mark of the Latin script, called dekstra korno (“right horn”) in Esperanto, and found on Á/á, É/é, Í/í, Ó/ó and Ú/ú.
Usage notes
This diacritic is used to mark stress in phonetic transcriptions of foreign words.
Diacritical mark
- A diacritical mark of the Latin script, called strika (“line”) in Faroese, and found on Á/á, Í/í, Ó/ó, Ú/ú and Ý/ý.
Usage notes
The line is not really seen as an accent, and all the letters are considered separate letters of the alphabet each having its own name. Other accented letters like É/é and Ć/ć appear in names of foreign origin.
Diacritical mark
- A diacritical mark of the Latin script, called accent aigu (“acute accent”) in French, and found on É/é.
Diacritical mark
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Diacritical mark
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Diacritical mark
- A diacritical mark of the Latin script, called éles ékezet (“sharp accent”) in Hungarian, and found on Á/á, É/é, Í/í, Ó/ó and Ú/ú.
Diacritical mark
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Diacritical mark
- A diacritical mark of the Latin script, called síneadh fada (“long mark”) in Irish, and found on Á/á, É/é, Í/í, Ó/ó and Ú/ú.
Diacritical mark
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Diacritical mark
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Diacritical mark
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Diacritical mark
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Diacritical mark
- A symbol used to denote the schwa sound
- A symbol placed before a syllabic р (r) at the beginning of a word
Diacritical mark
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- A tone in the Zhuyin alphabet, it represents the second tone.
See also
Northern Sami
Diacritical mark
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Diacritical mark
- A diacritical mark of the Latin script, called akutt aksent (“acute accent”) in Norwegian, and found on É/é and Ó/ó.
Diacritical mark
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Old Norse
Diacritical mark
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Diacritical mark
- A diacritical mark of the Latin script, called kreska (“line”) in Polish, and found on Ć/ć, Ń/ń, Ó/ó, Ś/ś and Ź/ź.
Usage notes
On a consonant, the kreska indicates that the consonant is pronounced with a palatal articulation. It is used only when the consonant is not followed by a vowel. A palatal consonant followed by a vowel is indicated by I/i after the consonant instead.
On the letter Ó/ó, the kreska indicates that it is pronounced as U/u but may alternate with O/o in grammar.
Diacritical mark
- A diacritical mark of the Latin script, called acento agudo (“acute accent”) in Portuguese, and found on Á/á, É/é, Í/í, Ó/ó and Ú/ú.
- In the letter "a", forms "á" with the stressed sound /a/, as in lá and sabiá.
- In the letter "e", forms "é" with the stressed sound /ɛ/, as in pé and maré.
- In the letter "i", forms "i" with the stressed sound /i/, as in índio and íntimo.
- In the letter "o", forms "ó" with the stressed sound /ɔ/, as in avó and faraó.
- In the letter "u", forms "ú" with the stressed sound /u/, as in último and único.
- Some words end in "ém" (stressed /ẽj̃/) or "éns" (stressed /ẽj̃s/), as in alguém, também and parabéns.
Diacritical mark
- (diacritical marks) acute accent
- (linguistics) stressed-syllable indicator used in East Slavic languages
Related terms
- аку́т m (akút)
Diacritical mark
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Skolt Sami
Punctuation mark
- Suprasegmental palatalization is marked by a free-standing acute accent (´) added after the vowel.
See also
- (Latin script letters) bukva; Aa, Ââ, Bb, Cc, Čč, Ʒʒ, Ǯǯ, Dd, Đđ, Ee, Ff, Gg, Ǧǧ, Ǥǥ, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ǩǩ, Ll, Mm, Nn, Ŋŋ, Oo, Õõ, Pp, Rr, Ss, Šš, Tt, Uu, Vv, Zz, Žž, Åå, Ää, ˊ
Skolt Sami#Writing system on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
Diacritical mark
- A diacritical mark of the Latin script, called dĺžeň (“lengthener”) in Slovak, and found on Á/á, É/é, Í/í, Ĺ/ĺ, Ó/ó, Ŕ/ŕ, Ú/ú and Ý/ý.
Diacritical mark
- A diacritical mark of the Latin script, called acento agudo (“acute accent”) in Spanish, and found on Á/á, É/é, Í/í, Ó/ó and Ú/ú.
Diacritical mark
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Diacritical mark
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Diacritical mark
- A diacritical mark of the Latin script, called dấu sắc (“sharp mark”) in Vietnamese, and found on Á/á, Ắ/ắ, Ấ/ấ, É/é, Ế/ế, Í/í, Ó/ó, Ố/ố, Ớ/ớ, Ú/ú, Ứ/ứ and Ý/ý. Used to indicate mid-rising, tense tone.
Usage notes
In Vietnamese handwriting and signmaking, this tone mark may be written as a vertical line, like a combining ', and the letter I/i retains its tittle.
In earlier versions of Unicode, ́ was used to represent this tone mark.