Definition 2025





толкоз (tólkoz) (demonstrative)

  1. (colloquial or poetic) alternative form of толкова (tolkova); this much, that much, as much, so much, this many, that many, as many, so many.
    Трябва ми толкоз вода.
    Trjabva mi tolkoz voda.
    I need this much water.
    Торбата беше пълна с толкоз ябълки, че не можех да я нося.
    Torbata beše pǎlna s tolkoz jabǎlki, če ne možeh da ja nosja.
    The bag was full of so many apples that I couldn't carry it.


  • 1870, Hristo Botev, “Elegy”, Svoboda (newspaper):
    [] или тоз, що толкоз годин ти пее: / "Търпи, и ще си спасиш душата?!"
    ili toz, što tolkoz godin ti pee: / "Tǎrpi, i šte si spasiš dušata?!"
    or he who for so many years has been telling you: / "Have patience and you'll save your soul?!"

Related terms


толкоз (tólkoz)

  1. (colloquial or poetic) alternative form of толкова (tolkova); so, as, so much, that much, this, that.
    Няма нужда толкоз да се тревожиш.
    Njama nužda tolkoz da se trevožiš.
    There's no need to worry so.
    Говореше толкоз тихо, че едва я чувах.
    Govoreše tolkoz tiho, če edva ja čuvah.
    She spoke so quietly that I could hardly hear her.


  • (used to emphasize the degree): така (taka), твърде (tvǎrde), много (mnogo)