Definition 2025



See also: dařit



darīt tr., 3rd conj., pres. daru, dari, dara, past darīju

  1. to do (to carry out, to realize something, to be busy with something)
    darīt mājas darbus ― to do house work
    darīt darāmo ― to do what is to be done, what needs to be done
    parādīt, kas jādara' ― to show what needs to be done
    ko tu tur dari? ― what are you doing there?
    jāsāk kaut ko darīt ― (we) have to start doing something
    nē, mājās nav ko darīt ― no, at home there is nothing to do
    Ints vairs nedarīja nekā; sastindzis, nekustīgs viņš gulēja gultā ― Ints didn't do anything anymore; stunned, he just lay immobile in bed
    lamatas!... kur skriet?... kur bēgt? ir kaut kas jādara!... ― a trap!... where to run?... where to flee? there must be something to do!...
    “iesim, iesim”, sacīja Andriksons, “jālūko dzēst; darīsim, ko spēsim” ― “let's go, let's go,” Andriksons said, “we have to try to put it (= fire) out; we'll do what we can”
  2. to do, to make (to behave in a certain way, e.g., to cause something to happen)
    darīt nedarbus ― to make mischief
    darīt muļķības ― to do stupid things
    darīt blēņas ― to do pranks
    nedarīt neko sliktu ― to not do anything bad, wrong
    darīt visu, kas ienāk prātā ― to do everything that comes to mind
    es to nedrīkstu darīt ― I may not (= am not allowed) to do that
    dara, ko grib ― (he) does what (he) wants
    dara, kā patīk ― (he) does as (he) pleases
    pareizi darīts ― well, correctly done
    aplam darīts ― badly, wrongly done
    tā nedrīkst darīt ― one may not do (= act) like that
  3. to do, to make, to cause (to create, originate something with one's actions, behavior; to change the state (of someone, something) with one's action, behavior, existence)
    darīt sāpes ― to cause pain
    dāvana dara zēnam prieku ― the gift made joy to the boy (= made him happy)
    nedarīt kaunu savam kolektīvam ― to not cause shame to one's team
    slaucējs jautājoši uzlūkoja Lieni: “madāma man atkal dara netaisnību”, šī sacīja ― the milker looked questioningly at Liene: “again madam does injustice (= is unfair) to me,” she said
    ko pats negribi sev darām, to nedari citiem ― what you don't want done to yourself, don't do to others
    saki, ko lai es daru melnajam runcim? ― tell me, what do (= should) I do to the black (tom)cat?
    smaids darīja seju pievilcīgu ― a smile made (his) face attractive
    skarbais noraidījums darīja neiespējamas tālākas pārrunas ― harsh rejection made further negotiations impossible
    labi izvēlētas atskaņas dara dzejas valodu fonētiski skanīgāku ― well-chsosen rhymes make poetic language phonetically more resonant, melodious
  4. (rare, of food, drinks, especially beer) to make, to prepare
    darīt alu, sviestu ― to make beer, butter
    darīt desas ― to make sausages
  5. (dated, of objects) to make
    darīt pastalas ― to make pastalas (= primitive shoes)
    sīki putni ligzdu dara ― small birds make (their) nests
  6. (dated) to close (with ciet, older cieti; compare German zumachen)
    jūs acis cieti darāt ― you close your eyes



  • (of "carry out", "perform"): izpildīt, veikt
  • (of "make", "produce"): darināt, gatavot, taisīt, veidot
  • (of "close"): aizvērt

Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
  • aizdarīt
  • apdarīt
  • atdarīt
  • padarīt
  • pārdarīt
  • piedarīt
  • sadarīt
other derived terms:
  • darījums
  • darināt
  • darītājs, darītāja


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), darīt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7