Definition 2025
See also: mainit
mainīt tr., 3rd conj., pres. mainu, maini, maina, past mainīju
- to change, to exchange
- mainīt naudu ― to change money (into smaller pieces; into foreign currency)
- mainīt latu sīknaudā ― to change one lat in(to) small change
- mainīt pastmarkas ― to change stamps
- izdevīgi, neizdevīgi mainīt ― to exchange (something) advantageously, disadvantageously
- to change, to replace (something, with something else)
- mainīt dzīvesvietu ― to change (one's) residence, address
- mainīt dzīvokli ― to change apartments
- mainīt specialitāti ― to change specialty
- mainīt uzvārdu, darbu ― to change (one's) family name, (one's) work
- mainīt vārdu kārtību ― to change the word order
- mainīt tērpus ― to change clothes, costumes
- to change, to replace (with a new one)
- mainīt kompreses ― to change compresses.
- mainīt motoriem eļļu ― to change the engine oil
- to change (to make something become different)
- mainīt raksturu, balsi ― to change (one's) character, voice
- mainīt dzīves veidu ― to change (one's) way of life
- mainīt attieksmi pret draugu ― to change (one's) attitude to a friend
- vējš maina virzienu ― the wind is changing direction
- mainīt lēmumu, izturēšanos ― to change (one's) decision, behavior
- viņš mainījis savu uzskatu ― he changed his view
- hameleons maina krāsu ― the chameleon changed (its) color
- krēsla maina priekšmetu apveidus ― the twilight changes the shapes of objects
- to change (to move from one place to another)
- mainīt vietām mēbeles ― to change the place of the furniture, to swap furniture
- to exchange (to say one's (opinion, thought) and to hear another person's)
- vēl kādus vārdus ar Annu mainījis, vecais atvadījās un aizgāja ― having exchanged a few words with Anna, the old man said goodbye and left
conjugation of mainīt
Derived terms
- prefixed verbs:
Related terms
- mainīgs
- mainīties
- maiņa
- (rare term) maiņus
- ↑ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “mainīt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7