Definition 2025





raupjš (def. raupjais, comp. raupjāks, sup. visraupjākais; adv. raupji)

  1. rough, harsh, uneven, rugged (having an irregular, not smooth, harsh surface)
    raupjas rokasharsh, rough, hardened hands
    raupja mizarough, harsh bark
  2. (of fabric, cloth) rough (not soft)
    raupja segarough blanket
    šis raupjais kokvilnas palags ― these rough cotton sheets
  3. (of hair, fur, plants) hard, coarse, not soft
    raupji matihard, coarse hair
  4. (of people, their behavior, appearance) simple, not subtle, not refined, not sophisticated
    mūsu tautas zemnieciski raupjajās un naivajās pasakās visur ir daiļi cilvēki ― in our people's rustic, rough and naive tales, there are beautiful people everywhere
  5. (of people, their behavior, appearances) harsh, rugged, impolite (without empathy or affection; expressing lack of empathy or affection)
    stringrs un raupjš gan arī esot priekšsēdētājs ― the chairman was apparently also strict and harsh
    raupji vaibstiharsh (facial) features
  6. (of words, speech) rough, offensive, indecent
    karstu dusmu šļākumam raupji vārdi seko ― (after) the gushing of hot anger, rough, offensive words followed
  7. (rare, of raindrops, hail) big, large
    tik negants vējš, un nakts, un tumsa, un raupjām lāsēm lietus līst ― such furious wind, and night, and darkness, and the rain is falling in big (rain)drops




Derived terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), raupjš”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7