Definition 2025
dalīt tr., 3rd conj., pres. dalu, dali, dala, past dalīju
- to divide, to split (to act on a whole in such a way that it becomes a set of separate parts; to be a border separating the parts of a whole)
- dalīt gabalos ― to divide (something) into pieces
- dalīt olu uz pusēm ― to divide, split an egg in half
- dalīt ābolu četrās daļās ― to divide an apple into four parts
- dalīt vārdu zilbēs ― to divide, split a word into syllables
- malkas grēda dalīja pagalmu divās daļās ― the woodpile divided the courtyard into two parts
- to divide, to split, to share (to assign a part of something to every member of a certain group)
- dalīt mantu ― to divide the property
- dalīt peļņu ― to share the profits
- dalīt laupījumu ― to split the booty
- dalīt kārtis ― to deal the cards
- dalīta uzmanība ― divided attention
- dalīt bērniem brokastis ― to give the children breakfast (lit. to divide breakfast (among) the children)
- sākumā viņš savu brīvo laiku dalīja starp šo grāmatu un veco harmoniju kaktā ― at first he divided his free time between this book and the old harmonium in the corner
- to share (to allow someone else to have a part of, or to have access to, something one owns; to use something together with someone else; to experience something together with someone else)
- dalīt pusdienu maizi ar biedriem ― to share (one's) lunch bread with (one's) comrades
- dalīt priekus un bēdas ― to share joys and sorrows
- dalītas bēdas ir pusbēdas ― shared sorrows are (only) half sorrows
- darba zemnieks dalīja ar partizāniem savu trūcīgo uzturu un apģērbu, cenšoties atdot cīnītājiem vienmēr labāko tiesu ― the working farmer shared with the partisans his poor food and clothes, trying to give to the fighters always the best part
- to divide, to subdivide, to group, to classify (to assign things, people, etc. to different groups, categories)
- dalīt darbus patīkamos un nepatīkamos ― to divide works, chores into pleasant and unpleasant
- dzīvniekus dala mugurkaulniekos un bezmugurkaulniekos ― (one) divides, classifies animals into vertebrates and invertebrates
- Ņūtons bija spiests dalīt telpu absolūtā telpā un parastā jeb relatīvā telpā ― Newton was forced to divide space into absolute space and normal or relative space
- (usually in participial form) divided, split, mixed (not fully dedicated to one thing; opposed to itself; contradictory)
- dažkārt domas visai dalītas: kas vienam liekas gluži labs, to otrs atzīst par viduvēju ― sometimes everybody's thoughts (are) divided: one (thought) seems to one (person) to be really good, the next (thought) really mediocre
- pirmo grāmatu bieži vien saņemam ar dalītām jūtām: prieks par jauna talanta parādīšanos mijas ar šaubām, vai nepievilsimies ― we often receive a first book with mixed feelings: joy for the appearance of a new talent mixed with doubts about whether we will be eventually disappointed
- (arithmetic) to divide (to carry out numeric division)
- dalīt un reizināt ― to divide and to multiply
- divpadsmit dalīt ar trīs ― to divide twelve by three
conjugation of dalīt
INDICATIVE (īstenības izteiksme) | IMPERATIVE (pavēles izteiksme) |
Present (tagadne) |
Past (pagātne) |
Future (nākotne) |
1st pers. sg. | es | dalu | dalīju | dalīšu | — |
2nd pers. sg. | tu | dali | dalīji | dalīsi | dali |
3rd pers. sg. | viņš, viņa | dala | dalīja | dalīs | lai dala |
1st pers. pl. | mēs | dalām | dalījām | dalīsim | dalīsim |
2nd pers. pl. | jūs | dalāt | dalījāt | dalīsiet, dalīsit |
daliet |
3rd pers. pl. | viņi, viņas | dala | dalīja | dalīs | lai dala |
CONJUNCTIVE (atstāstījuma izteiksme) | PARTICIPLES (divdabji) | ||||
Present | dalot | Present Active 1 (Adj.) | dalošs | ||
Past | esot dalījis | Present Active 2 (Adv.) | dalīdams | ||
Future | dalīšot | Present Active 3 (Adv.) | dalot | ||
Imperative | lai dalot | Present Active 4 (Obj.) | dalām | ||
CONDITIONAL (vēlējuma izteiksme) | Past Active | dalījis | |||
Present | dalītu | Present Passive | dalāms | ||
Past | būtu dalījis | Past Passive | dalīts | ||
DEBITIVE (vajadzības izteiksme) | NOMINAL FORMS | ||||
Indicative | (būt) jādala | Infinitive (nenoteiksme) | dalīt | ||
Conjunctive 1 | esot jādala | Negative Infinitive | nedalīt | ||
Conjunctive 2 | jādalot | Verbal noun | dalīšana |
Derived terms
- prefixed verbs:
- other derived terms:
- dalāms
- dalījums
- dalītājs, dalītāja
- dalīties
Related terms
- dalāmība
- dalība, dalībnieks, dalībniece
- daļa
- ↑ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “dalīt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7