Definition 2025



See also: dalit and Dalit



dalīt tr., 3rd conj., pres. dalu, dali, dala, past dalīju

  1. to divide, to split (to act on a whole in such a way that it becomes a set of separate parts; to be a border separating the parts of a whole)
    dalīt gabalos ― to divide (something) into pieces
    dalīt olu uz pusēm ― to divide, split an egg in half
    dalīt ābolu četrās daļās ― to divide an apple into four parts
    dalīt vārdu zilbēs ― to divide, split a word into syllables
    malkas grēda dalīja pagalmu divās daļās ― the woodpile divided the courtyard into two parts
  2. to divide, to split, to share (to assign a part of something to every member of a certain group)
    dalīt mantu ― to divide the property
    dalīt peļņu ― to share the profits
    dalīt laupījumu ― to split the booty
    dalīt kārtis ― to deal the cards
    dalīta uzmanībadivided attention
    dalīt bērniem brokastis ― to give the children breakfast (lit. to divide breakfast (among) the children)
    sākumā viņš savu brīvo laiku dalīja starp šo grāmatu un veco harmoniju kaktā ― at first he divided his free time between this book and the old harmonium in the corner
  3. to share (to allow someone else to have a part of, or to have access to, something one owns; to use something together with someone else; to experience something together with someone else)
    dalīt pusdienu maizi ar biedriem ― to share (one's) lunch bread with (one's) comrades
    dalīt priekus un bēdas ― to share joys and sorrows
    dalītas bēdas ir pusbēdasshared sorrows are (only) half sorrows
    darba zemnieks dalīja ar partizāniem savu trūcīgo uzturu un apģērbu, cenšoties atdot cīnītājiem vienmēr labāko tiesu ― the working farmer shared with the partisans his poor food and clothes, trying to give to the fighters always the best part
  4. to divide, to subdivide, to group, to classify (to assign things, people, etc. to different groups, categories)
    dalīt darbus patīkamos un nepatīkamos ― to divide works, chores into pleasant and unpleasant
    dzīvniekus dala mugurkaulniekos un bezmugurkaulniekos ― (one) divides, classifies animals into vertebrates and invertebrates
    Ņūtons bija spiests dalīt telpu absolūtā telpā un parastā jeb relatīvā telpā ― Newton was forced to divide space into absolute space and normal or relative space
  5. (usually in participial form) divided, split, mixed (not fully dedicated to one thing; opposed to itself; contradictory)
    dažkārt domas visai dalītas: kas vienam liekas gluži labs, to otrs atzīst par viduvēju ― sometimes everybody's thoughts (are) divided: one (thought) seems to one (person) to be really good, the next (thought) really mediocre
    pirmo grāmatu bieži vien saņemam ar dalītām jūtām: prieks par jauna talanta parādīšanos mijas ar šaubām, vai nepievilsimies ― we often receive a first book with mixed feelings: joy for the appearance of a new talent mixed with doubts about whether we will be eventually disappointed
  6. (arithmetic) to divide (to carry out numeric division)
    dalīt un reizināt ― to divide and to multiply
    divpadsmit dalīt ar trīs ― to divide twelve by three


Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
  • atdalīt
  • iedalīt
  • izdalīt
  • nodalīt
  • padalīt
  • pārdalīt
  • piedalīt
  • sadalīt
other derived terms:
  • dalāms
  • dalījums
  • dalītājs, dalītāja
  • dalīties

Related terms

  • dalāmība
  • dalība, dalībnieks, dalībniece
  • daļa


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), dalīt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7