Definition 2025




Alternative forms


ѝмати impf (Latin spelling ìmati)

  1. (transitive, intransitive) to have, possess, own
    имати среће ― to be lucky, have luck
    имати времена ― to have time
    имати новаца ― to have money
    имати прехладу ― to have a cold
    она има 19 година ― she is 19 years old
    имаш право ― you are right, you are correct
    имати обичај да.. ― to have a habit/custom to..
    имати на уму ― to have in mind, keep in mind
    имати у виду ― to keep in mind
    имати на памети ― to keep in mind
    имати против ― to object to
  2. (transitive) to be, be located (in past and future tenses usually replaced by би̏ти (to be, exist)
    има ли шећера?is there any sugar?
    има ли когаis there anyone in?
    има ли црвених аута на паркиралишту?are there any red cars on the parking lot?
    на зиду имају двије слике ― there are two paintings on the wall
    што има за вечеру? ― what is there for supper?
    има отад пет година ― five years have passed since then, it has been five years since then
  3. (intransitive, with да) to have to, be obliged to
    има(ш) да му поштено платиш ― you have to pay him fairly
    има(ју) да раде ц(иј)ели дан ― they have to work the whole day
  4. (transitive) to wear, have on
    имала је црвени шеширић ― she had a red bonnet on



Derived terms

  • у̀имати
  • за̀имати
