Definition 2025



See also: оня and -оња

Old Church Slavonic


она (ona)

  1. she
  2. nominative singular feminine of онъ (onŭ)
  3. nominative and accusative dual masculine of онъ (onŭ)
  4. nominative and accusative plural neuter of онъ (onŭ)

See also

  • ѭ ()



  • IPA(key): [ɐˈna]


она́ (oná) (masculine counterpart он, neuter counterpart оно́)

  1. third-person feminine singular pronoun: she, it.
  2. third-person feminine singular objective pronoun: her, it.
    Да как же она́, так и говори́т?Da kak že oná, tak i govorít? ― What is she like? Does she talk?
    Её нет до́ма (genitive)Jejó net dómaShe’s not home.
    Ей не спи́тся. (dative)Jej ne spítsja.She is unable to sleep.
    Я ви́жу её. (accusative)Ja vížu jejó. ― I see her.
    За не́ю пять рубле́й. (instrumental)Za néju pjatʹ rubléj. ― She owes five rubles.
    Он э́то при ней сказа́л. (prepositional)On éto pri nej skazál. ― He said it in her presence.


Usage notes

  • Whenever a preposition stands immediately before any of the oblique cases of the third-person pronoun (singular or plural) and directly governs it, then an н- is prefixed to the pronoun: от неё (ot nejó, from her), на ней (na nej, on her), у неё (u nejó, she has), к ней (k nej, to her), с не́ю (s néju, with her).
  • The explanation for the н-prothesis is that, originally, some Russian prepositions ended in the letter -н: сън (sŭn, “with” Greek σύν (σύν), Latin cum). Eventually, the final н of these prepositions migrated across to the pronoun, so that вън её became modern в неё (v nejó), and then this was extended to include all prepositions when governing any third-person pronoun.
  • Note that if the preposition does not directly govern её (jejó) (i.e., when её is a possessive pronoun), then the н- is not inserted: у её бра́та (u jejó bráta, at her brother’s), о её ма́тери (o jejó máteri, about her mother), в её ко́мнате (v jejó kómnate, in her room).
  • When there is another word separating a preposition and any oblique case of она, the н- is not added: у само́й её (u samój jejó, with her herself).

Related terms



From Proto-Slavic *ona, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂eno-


  • IPA(key): /ǒna/
  • Hyphenation: о‧на


о̀на (Latin spelling òna)

  1. she
  2. they (nominative plural of о̀но (it))
