Definition 2025



See also: -то, т. о., and Appendix:Variations of "to"



то (to) n (personal)

  1. it; the neuter third-person singular pronoun in the nominative case, used as the subject of a verb.
    Тя взе бебето и го държеше в ръцете си, но то продължаваше да плаче.
    Tja vze bebeto i go dǎržeše v rǎcete si, no to prodǎlžavaše da plače.
    She took the baby and held it in her arms, but it continued to cry.
    То се знае.
    To se znae.
    It is well known.

Related terms


то (to)

  1. Used to show the logical result of a particular statement or situation; then, in that case.
    Ако пристигнеш навреме, то ще можеш веднага да се включиш.
    Ako pristigneš navreme, to šte možeš vednaga da se vključiš.
    If you arrive on time, then you can immediately join in.
    Ако те не отидат, то и ние няма да отидем.
    Ako te ne otidat, to i nie njama da otidem.
    If they do not go, we shan’t go there either.
  2. Used for emphasis in various statements expressing amazement, indignation, etc. No precise equivalent in English, is often best translated by rephrasing the surrounding sentence.
    То беше радост, то бяха викове.
    To beše radost, to bjaha vikove.
    And oh what rejoicing and shouting there was.
    То бива, бива, ама вече прекаляваш.
    To biva, biva, ama veče prekaljavaš.
    Really, that’s the limit, you've gone too far.
    А бе то стана една!
    A be to stana edna!
    The fat is in the fire.

Derived terms



  • IPA(key): [to]


то (to) n (demonstrative)

  1. neuter singular nominative of тот (tot); that
    то жеto že ― the same
    к тому́ (же)k tomú (že)in addition, moreover
    ни то ни сёni to ni sjó ― neither fish nor fowl
    ни с того́ ни с сего́ni s tovó ni s sevó ― all of a sudden; without any visible reason
    до того́do tovó ― so much
    то́ естьtó jestʹ ― that is, in other words, i.e.

Related terms

See also


то (to) n

  1. then



  • IPA(key): /tɔː/


Dari تا
Iranian Persian تا
Tajik то (to)

то (to)

  1. until