Definition 2025
antecipar (first-person singular present indicative antecipo, past participle antecipado)
- (takes a reflexive pronoun) to get ahead of oneself (to act before is necessary)
- O corredor se antecipou e acabou desqualificado.
- The racer got ahead of himself and ended up disqualified.
- O corredor se antecipou e acabou desqualificado.
- (takes a reflexive pronoun, transitive with a) to anticipate (to act before someone or something)
- Me antecipei às ordens do general e sobrevivi ao ataque.
- We acted before the general’s orders and survived the attack.
- Me antecipei às ordens do general e sobrevivi ao ataque.
- (transitive) to anticipate (to do something before it is necessary)
- Com o salário extra, conseguimos antecipar o pagamento da dívida.
- With the extra salary, we were able to anticipate the payment of the debt.
- Com o salário extra, conseguimos antecipar o pagamento da dívida.
- (transitive) to anticipate; to foresee; to see coming (to know of something before it happens)
- Ninguém antecipou o fracasso da economia esse ano.
- No one foresaw the failure of the economy this year.
- Ninguém antecipou o fracasso da economia esse ano.
- (formal, transitive) to anticipate; to look forward to (to eagerly await something)
- Antecipamos sua visita.
- We look forward to your visit.
- Antecipamos sua visita.
Conjugation of the Portuguese -ar verb antecipar