Definition 2025





вида́ть (vidátʹ) impf

  1. (colloquial) to see (many times, frequently, not used in the present tense)
  2. to be seen (in the negative sentence, usually in the infinitive)
    Не вида́ть тебе́ тепе́рь зарпла́ты, как свои́х уше́й!Ne vidátʹ tebé tepérʹ zarpláty, kak svoíx ušéj! ― You won't see your wages now like you won't see your (own) ears.
  3. (idiomatic) in:
    вида́ть ви́дыvidátʹ vídy ― to have seen better days
    вида́вшая ви́ды маши́наvidávšaja vídy mašína ― a car that has seen better days


Usage notes

  • Note that вида́ть has a limited usage and is never conjugated in the present tense. It is used only as the infinitive or in the past tense:
  • Его́ не вида́ть.Jevó ne vidátʹ. ― He is not to be seen.
  • Ничего́ не вида́ть.Ničevó ne vidátʹ. ― One can see nothing.
  • Чего́ я там не вида́л!Čevó ja tam ne vidál! ― There is nothing there that interests me (what am I to see).


Derived terms


вида́ть (vidátʹ)

  1. (colloquial) it seems, it looks like
    Вида́ть, она́ что́-то зна́ет.Vidátʹ, oná štó-to znájet. ― She seems to know something.