Definition 2025
무신론 • (musinnon) (hanja 無神論)
- atheism, antitheism, ignosticism
- 소극적/적극적 무신론: negative and positive atheism
- 내포적/외연적 무신론: implicit and explicit atheism (see Wikipedia)
- 온건한/강경한 무신론: weak and strong atheism (see Wikipedia)
- 결정론 (gyeoljeongnon) (決定論, gyeoljeongron) determinism
- 불가지론 (bulgajiron) (不可知論, bulgajiron) agnosticism, ignosticism
- 유물론 (yumullon) (唯物論, yumulron) materialism
- 진화론 (jinhwaron) (進化論, jinhwaron) evolutionism
- 다신론 (dasillon) (多神論, dasinron) polytheism
- 범신론 (beomsillon) (汎神論, beomsinron) pantheism
- 비결정론 (bigyeoljeongnon) (非決定論, bigyeoljeongron) indeterminism
- 삼위일체론 (samwiilcheron) (三位一體論, samWiilcheron) trinitarianism, Trinity, Holy Trinity (of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit)
cf. binitarianism, unitarianism - 영혼불멸설 (yeonghonbulmyeolseol) (靈魂不滅說, yeonghon-bulmeolseol) the doctrine of the immortality of the soul
- 예정설 (yejeongseol) (豫定說, yejeongseol) (especially, Calvinism) predeterminism, predestination (a sort of determinism, hence the contradiction with the mainstream theology based on libertarianism and indeterminism)
- 유신론 (yusillon) (有神論, yusinron) theism
- 이신론 (isillon) (理神論, isinron) deism
- 일신론 (ilsillon) (一神論, ilsinron) monotheism
- 자유의지론 (jayuuijiron) (自由意志論, jayuuijiron) free will, libertarianism (Libertarianism)
- 창조론 (changjoron) (創造論, changjoron) creationism, intelligent design
Derived terms
Related terms
- 굿것 (gutgeot) (gus-geos, gut-geot) ghost, god, cf. gut
- 귀신 (gwisin) (鬼神, gwisin) ghost, god
- 신 (sin) (神, sin) god, ghost
- 영혼 (yeonghon) (靈魂, yeonghon) soul, spirit, ghost
- 잡신 (japsin) (雜神, jabsin, japsin) evil spirits
- 조물주 (jomulju) (造物主, jomulju) Creator, Supreme God
- 하나님 (hananim) (hananim) (Christian) God
- 하느님 (haneunim) (haneunim) (Korean) sky god
- 한울님 (hanullim) (hanUlnim) (Cheondogyo) sky god