Definition 2025
See also: φόρος
Alternative forms
- -φόρο (-fóro)
-φόρος • (-fóros) m
- added to a noun to form a new noun for something or someone that, literally or figuratively, carries or bears that first noun:
- άχθος ("burden")
αχθοφόρος ("porter")
- ασθενής ("patient")
ασθενοφόρο ("ambulance")
- πετρέλαιο ("petrol")
πετρελαιοφόρο ("petrol or oil tanker")
- άχθος ("burden")
- added to a noun to form a new adjective for something or someone that produces that first noun:
- καρπός ("fruit")
καρποφόρος ("fruitful")
- οπώρα ("fruit")
οπωροφόρος ("fruit-producing")
- καρπός ("fruit")
- added to a noun to form a new adjective which indicates the result caused by the modified noun:
- θάνατος ("death")
θανατηφόρος ("lethal")
- κέρδος ("profit")
κερδοφόρος ("profitable")
- θάνατος ("death")
- added to a noun to form a new adjective or noun which indicates a wearer of the modified noun:
- κέρατο ("horn")
κερασφόρος ("horned")
- ράσο ("robe")
ρασοφόρος ("robed/robe-wearer")
- φουστανέλα ("fustanella")
φουστανελοφόρος ("fustanella-wearer")
- κέρατο ("horn")
Derived terms
derivations from -φόρος
<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Greek_words_suffixed_with_-%CF%86%CF%8C%CF%81%CE%BF%CF%82'>Greek words suffixed with -φόρος</a>
Related terms
- φορώ (foró, “to wear”)