Definition 2025
acabar (first-person singular indicative present acabo, past participle acabáu)
- to finish, end, finish off
- to manage, succeed
- (acabar de facer) To have just done (something)
- to die, die out
Conjugation of acabar
infinitive | acabar | ||||||
gerund | acabando | ||||||
past participle | m acabáu, f acabada, n acabao, m pl acabaos, f pl acabaes | ||||||
person | first singular yo |
second singular tu |
third singular él/elli |
first plural nosotros/nós |
second plural vosotros/vós |
third plural ellos |
indicative | present | acabo | acabes | acaba | acabamos | acabáis | acaben |
imperfect | acababa | acababes | acababa | acabábemos, acabábamos | acababeis, acababais | acababen | |
preterite | acabé | acabasti, acabesti | acabó | acabemos | acabastis, acabestis | acabaron | |
pluperfect | acabare, acabara | acabares, acabaras | acabare, acabara | acabáremos, acabáramos | acabareis, acabarais | acabaren, acabaran | |
future | acabaré | acabarás | acabará | acabaremos | acabaréis | acabarán | |
conditional | acabaría | acabaríes | acabaría | acabaríemos, acabaríamos | acabaríeis, acabaríais | acabaríen | |
subjunctive | present | acabe | acabes, acabas | acabe | acabemos | acabéis | acaben, acaban |
imperfect | acabare, acabara | acabares, acabaras | acabare, acabara | acabáremos, acabáramos | acabareis, acabarais | acabaren, acabaran | |
imperative | — | acaba | — | — | acabái | — |
From a (from Latin ad) + cap (from Latin caput). Compare French achever, from which also English achieve.
acabar (first-person singular present acabo, past participle acabat)
Conjugation of acabar (first conjugation)
infinitive | acabar | ||||||
present participle | acabant | ||||||
past participle | masculine | feminine | |||||
singular | acabat | acabada | |||||
plural | acabats | acabades | |||||
person | singular | plural | |||||
first | second | third | first | second | third | ||
indicative | jo | tu | ell/ella vostè |
nosaltres nós |
vosaltres vós |
ells/elles vostès |
present | acabo | acabes | acaba | acabem | acabeu | acaben | |
imperfect | acabava | acabaves | acabava | acabàvem | acabàveu | acabaven | |
future | acabaré | acabaràs | acabarà | acabarem | acabareu | acabaran | |
preterite | acabí | acabares | acabà | acabàrem | acabàreu | acabaren | |
conditional | acabaria | acabaries | acabaria | acabaríem | acabaríeu | acabarien | |
subjunctive | jo | tu | ell/ella vostè |
nosaltres nós |
vosaltres vós |
ells/elles vostès |
present | acabi | acabis | acabi | acabem | acabeu | acabin | |
imperfect | acabés | acabessis | acabés | acabéssim | acabéssiu | acabessin | |
imperative | — | tu | vostè | nosaltres | vosaltres vós |
vostès | |
— | acaba | acabi | acabem | acabeu | acabin |
Derived terms

simple | compound | ||||||
infinitive | acabar | èsser acabat | |||||
past participle | acabat | - | |||||
gerund | acabant | èssent acabat | |||||
person | singular | plural | |||||
first | second | third | first | second | third | ||
indicative | ieu | tu | el | nosautres | vosautres | eles | |
present | acabi | acabas | acaba | acabam | acabatz | acaban | |
imperfect | acabavi | acabavas | acabava | acabàvem | acabàvetz | acabavan | |
preterite | acabèri | acabères | acabèt | acabèrem | acabèretz | acabèron | |
future | acabarai | acabaràs | acabarà | acabarem | acabaretz | acabaràn | |
conditional | acabariái | acabariás | acabariá | acabariam | acabariatz | acabarián | |
compound tenses |
present perfect | Use the present tense of Aver plus the past participle | |||||
pluperfect | Use the imperfect tense of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
past anterior | Use the preterite tense of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
future perfect | Use the future tense of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
conditional perfect | Use the conditional tense of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
subjunctive | que ieu | que tu | que el | que nosautres | que vosautres | que eles | |
present | acabe | acabes | acabe | acabem | acabetz | acaben | |
imperfect | acabèssi | acabèsses | acabèsse | acabèssem | acabèssetz | acabèsson | |
compound tenses |
past | Use the present subjunctive of Aver plus the past participle | |||||
pluperfect | Use the imperfect subjunctive of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
imperative | - | tu | - | nosautres | vosautres | - | |
acaba | acabem | acabatz |

simple | compound | ||||||
infinitive | acabar | èsser acabat | |||||
past participle | acabat | - | |||||
gerund | acabant | èssent acabat | |||||
person | singular | plural | |||||
first | second | third | first | second | third | ||
indicative | ieu | tu | el | nosautres | vosautres | eles | |
present | acabe | acabes | acaba | acabam | acabatz | acabon | |
imperfect | acabave | acabaves | acabava | acabaviam | acabaviatz | acabavon | |
preterite | acabere | acaberes | acabet | acabem | acabetz | acaberon | |
future | acabarai | acabaràs | acabará | acabarem | acabaretz | acabarán | |
conditional | acabariá | acabariás | acabariá | acabariam | acabariatz | acabarián | |
compound tenses |
present perfect | Use the present tense of Aver plus the past participle | |||||
pluperfect | Use the imperfect tense of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
past anterior | Use the preterite tense of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
future perfect | Use the future tense of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
conditional perfect | Use the conditional tense of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
subjunctive | que ieu | que tu | que el | que nosautres | que vosautres | que eles | |
present | acabe | acabes | acabe | acabassiam | acabassiatz | acabon | |
imperfect | acabesse | acabesses | acabesse | acabessiam | acabessiatz | acabesson | |
compound tenses |
past | Use the present subjunctive of Aver plus the past participle | |||||
pluperfect | Use the imperfect subjunctive of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
imperative | - | tu | - | nosautres | vosautres | - | |
acaba | acabassiam | acabatz |

simple | compound | ||||||
infinitive | acabar | èsser acabat | |||||
past participle | acabat | - | |||||
gerund | acabant | èssent acabat | |||||
person | singular | plural | |||||
first | second | third | first | second | third | ||
indicative | ieu | tu | el | nosautres | vosautres | eles | |
present | acabi | acabas | acaba | acabam | acabatz | acaban | |
imperfect | acabavi | acabavas | acabava | acabàvam | acabàvatz | acabavan | |
preterite | acabèi | acabès | acabè | acabèm | acabètz | acabèn | |
future | acabarèi | acabaràs | acabarà | acabaram | acabaratz | acabaràn | |
conditional | acabarí | acabarés | acabaré | acabarem | acabaretz | acabarén | |
compound tenses |
present perfect | Use the present tense of Aver plus the past participle | |||||
pluperfect | Use the imperfect tense of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
past anterior | Use the preterite tense of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
future perfect | Use the future tense of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
conditional perfect | Use the conditional tense of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
subjunctive | que ieu | que tu | que el | que nosautres | que vosautres | que eles | |
present | acabi | acabes | acabe | acabem | acabetz | acaben | |
imperfect | acabèssi | acabèsses | acabèsse | acabèssem | acabèssetz | acabèssen | |
compound tenses |
past | Use the present subjunctive of Aver plus the past participle | |||||
pluperfect | Use the imperfect subjunctive of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
imperative | - | tu | - | nosautres | vosautres | - | |
acaba | acabem | acabatz |

simple | compound | ||||||
infinitive | acabar | èsser acabat | |||||
past participle | acabat | - | |||||
gerund | acabant | èssent acabat | |||||
person | singular | plural | |||||
first | second | third | first | second | third | ||
indicative | ieu | tu | el | nosautres | vosautres | eles | |
present | acabe | acabas | acaba | acabam | acabatz | acaban | |
imperfect | acabava | acabavas | acabava | acabàvam | acabàvatz | acabavan | |
preterite | acabei | acaberas | acabet | acabèram | acabèratz | acaberan | |
future | acabarai | acabaràs | acabará | acabarem | acabaretz | acabarán | |
conditional | acabariá | acabariàs | acabariá | acabariam | acabariatz | acabarián | |
compound tenses |
present perfect | Use the present tense of Aver plus the past participle | |||||
pluperfect | Use the imperfect tense of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
past anterior | Use the preterite tense of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
future perfect | Use the future tense of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
conditional perfect | Use the conditional tense of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
subjunctive | que ieu | que tu | que el | que nosautres | que vosautres | que eles | |
present | acabe | acabes | acabe | acabem | acabetz | acaben | |
imperfect | acabèsse | acabèsses | acabèsse | acabèssem | acabèssetz | acabèssen | |
compound tenses |
past | Use the present subjunctive of Aver plus the past participle | |||||
pluperfect | Use the imperfect subjunctive of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
imperative | - | tu | - | nosautres | vosautres | - | |
acaba | acabem | acabatz |

simple | compound | ||||||
infinitive | acabar | èsser acabat | |||||
past participle | acabat | - | |||||
gerund | acabant | èssent acabat | |||||
person | singular | plural | |||||
first | second | third | first | second | third | ||
indicative | ieu | tu | el | nosautres | vosautres | eles | |
present | acabe | acabes | acaba | acabam | acabatz | acaban | |
imperfect | acabavi | acabavas | acabava | acabàvem | acabàvetz | acabavan | |
preterite | acabère | acabères | acabèt | acaberiam | acaberiatz | acabèron | |
future | acabarai | acabaràs | acabarà | acabarem | acabaretz | acabaràn | |
conditional | acabariáu | acabariás | acabariá | acabariam | acabariatz | acabarián | |
compound tenses |
present perfect | Use the present tense of Aver plus the past participle | |||||
pluperfect | Use the imperfect tense of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
past anterior | Use the preterite tense of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
future perfect | Use the future tense of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
conditional perfect | Use the conditional tense of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
subjunctive | que ieu | que tu | que el | que nosautres | que vosautres | que eles | |
present | acabe | acabes | acabe | acabem | acabetz | acaban | |
imperfect | acabèsse | acabèsses | acabèsse | acabessiam | acabessiatz | acabèsson | |
compound tenses |
past | Use the present subjunctive of Aver plus the past participle | |||||
pluperfect | Use the imperfect subjunctive of Aver plus the past participle | ||||||
imperative | - | tu | - | nosautres | vosautres | - | |
acaba | acabem | acabatz |
From Old Portuguese acabar, from Latin ad (“to”) + caput (“head”). Compare French achever, whence also English achieve.
- (Portugal) IPA(key): [ɐkɐˈbaɾ]
- (Brazil)
- (Paulista) IPA(key): [akaˈba(ɹ)]
- (South Brazil) IPA(key): [akaˈba(ɻ)]
- (Carioca) IPA(key): [akaˈba(χ)]
acabar (first-person singular present indicative acabo, past participle acabado)
- (intransitive) to finish (to be over, completed)
- O filme acabou.
- The film is over.
- O filme acabou.
- (transitive) to complete; to finish (to make done)
- Acabe suas tarefas antes de sair.
- Finish your chores before going out.
- Acabe suas tarefas antes de sair.
- (auxiliary with a verb in the gerund) to end up (to eventually do)
- No fim, acabamos comendo naquele restaurante maltrapilho.
- In the end, we ended up eating at that shabby restaurant.
- No fim, acabamos comendo naquele restaurante maltrapilho.
- (copulative) to end up; to turn out (to become, at the end of a process)
- De tanto misturarmos, a cor da tinta acabou cinza.
- Because we mixed it so much, the colour of the paint ended up grey.
- De tanto misturarmos, a cor da tinta acabou cinza.
- (auxiliary with de and a verb in the infinitive) to have just; just (indicates recency)
- Ele acabou de sair.
- He just left.
- Ele acabou de sair.
- (transitive with com) to destroy completely, to defeat thoroughly
- O inseticida prometeu que acabaria com as baratas.
- The insecticide promised to exterminate cockroaches.
- Nosso time acabou com o deles!
- Our team murdered theirs!
- O inseticida prometeu que acabaria com as baratas.
- (transitive with com) to break up; to put an end to (to make an activity or practice stop)
- Essa lei acabará com a impunidade.
- This law will put an end to impunity.
- Essa lei acabará com a impunidade.
- (transitive with com) to break up with (end a relationship)
- Ele acabou com ela.
- He broke up with her.
- Ele acabou com ela.
- (intransitive or takes a reflexive pronoun) to run out (to be entirely used up)
- Todo o dinheiro acabou.
- All the money ran out.
- Todo o dinheiro acabou.
Conjugation of the Portuguese -ar verb acabar
- (finish): terminar, completar, finalizar, concluir
- (to eventually do): terminar por
- (to turn out): ficar
- (destroy): destruir, matar
- (to break up): terminar com
- (to run out): esgotar-se
- (finish): iniciar, começar, inicializar
- Kabuverdianu: kaba
From the noun cabo (“end, edge”), from Latin caput.
acabar (first-person singular present acabo, first-person singular preterite acabé, past participle acabado)
infinitive | acabar | ||||||
gerund | acabando | ||||||
past participle | masculine | feminine | |||||
singular | acabado | acabada | |||||
plural | acabados | acabadas | |||||
singular | plural | ||||||
1st person | 2nd person | 3rd person | 1st person | 2nd person | 3rd person | ||
indicative | yo | tú vos |
él/ella usted |
nosotros nosotras |
vosotros vosotras |
ellos/ellas ustedes |
present | acabo | acabastú acabásvos |
acaba | acabamos | acabáis | acaban | |
imperfect | acababa | acababas | acababa | acabábamos | acababais | acababan | |
preterite | acabé | acabaste | acabó | acabamos | acabasteis | acabaron | |
future | acabaré | acabarás | acabará | acabaremos | acabaréis | acabarán | |
conditional | acabaría | acabarías | acabaría | acabaríamos | acabaríais | acabarían | |
subjunctive | yo | tú vos |
él/ella usted |
nosotros nosotras |
vosotros vosotras |
ellos/ellas ustedes |
present | acabe | acabestú acabésvos1 |
acabe | acabemos | acabéis | acaben | |
imperfect (ra) |
acabara | acabaras | acabara | acabáramos | acabarais | acabaran | |
imperfect (se) |
acabase | acabases | acabase | acabásemos | acabaseis | acabasen | |
future | acabare | acabares | acabare | acabáremos | acabareis | acabaren | |
imperative | — | tú vos |
usted | nosotros nosotras |
vosotros vosotras |
ustedes | |
affirmative | acabatú acabávos |
acabe | acabemos | acabad | acaben | ||
negative | no acabes | no acabe | no acabemos | no acabéis | no acaben |
1Argentine and Uruguayan voseo prefers the tú form for the present subjunctive.
These forms are generated automatically and may not be attested. Pronoun usage varies by region.
singular | plural | ||||||
1st person | 2nd person | 3rd person | 1st person | 2nd person | 3rd person | ||
with infinitive acabar | |||||||
dative | acabarme | acabarte, acabarle | acabarle, acabarse | acabarnos | acabaros, acabarles | acabarles, acabarse | |
accusative | acabarme | acabarte, acabarlo, acabarla | acabarlo, acabarla, acabarse | acabarnos | acabaros, acabarlos, acabarlas | acabarlos, acabarlas, acabarse | |
with gerund acabando | |||||||
dative | acabándome | acabándote, acabándole | acabándole, acabándose | acabándonos | acabándoos, acabándoles | acabándoles, acabándose | |
accusative | acabándome | acabándote, acabándolo, acabándola | acabándolo, acabándola, acabándose | acabándonos | acabándoos, acabándolos, acabándolas | acabándolos, acabándolas, acabándose | |
with informal second-person singular imperative acaba | |||||||
dative | acábame | acábate, acábale | acábale | acábanos | acábaos, acábales | acábales | |
accusative | acábame | acábate, acábalo, acábala | acábalo, acábala | acábanos | acábaos, acábalos, acábalas | acábalos, acábalas | |
with formal second-person singular imperative acabe | |||||||
dative | acábeme | acábete, acábele | acábele, acábese | acábenos | acábeles | acábeles, acábese | |
accusative | acábeme | acábete, acábelo, acábela | acábelo, acábela, acábese | acábenos | acábelos, acábelas | acábelos, acábelas, acábese | |
with first-person plural imperative acabemos | |||||||
dative | not used | acabémosle | acabémosle | acabémonos | acabémosles | acabémosles | |
accusative | not used | acabémoslo, acabémosla | acabémoslo, acabémosla | acabémonos | acabémoslos, acabémoslas | acabémoslos, acabémoslas | |
with informal second-person plural imperative acabad | |||||||
dative | acabadme | acabadle | acabadle | acabadnos | acabaos, acabadles | acabadles | |
accusative | acabadme | acabadlo, acabadla | acabadlo, acabadla | acabadnos | acabaos, acabadlos, acabadlas | acabadlos, acabadlas | |
with formal second-person plural imperative acaben | |||||||
dative | acábenme | acábente, acábenle | acábenle, acábense | acábenos | acábenles | acábenles, acábense | |
accusative | acábenme | acábente, acábenlo, acábenla | acábenlo, acábenla, acábense | acábenos | acábenlos, acábenlas | acábenlos, acábenlas, acábense |
Derived terms
- acabar de to have just
- acabar con to finish; to put an end to
- acabar por (idiomatic) to end up by