Definition 2025
yì (Zhuyin ㄧˋ)
- Pinyin transcription of 乂
- Pinyin transcription of 义
- Pinyin transcription of 亄
- Pinyin transcription of 亦
- Pinyin transcription of 亿
- Pinyin transcription of 仡
- Pinyin transcription of 伇
- Pinyin transcription of 伿
- Pinyin transcription of 佾
- Pinyin transcription of 俋
- Pinyin transcription of 億
- Pinyin transcription of 刈
- Pinyin transcription of 劓
- Pinyin transcription of 劮
- Pinyin transcription of 勚
- Pinyin transcription of 勩
- Pinyin transcription of 医
- Pinyin transcription of 呓
- Pinyin transcription of 呭
- Pinyin transcription of 呹
- Pinyin transcription of 刈
- Pinyin transcription of 嗌
- Pinyin transcription of 囈
- Pinyin transcription of 圛
- Pinyin transcription of 垼
- Pinyin transcription of 埶
- Pinyin transcription of 埸
- Pinyin transcription of 亿
- Pinyin transcription of 壴
- Pinyin transcription of 奕
- Pinyin transcription of 嫕
- Pinyin transcription of 嬑
- Pinyin transcription of 嬟
- Pinyin transcription of 寱
- Pinyin transcription of 寽
- Pinyin transcription of 億
- Pinyin transcription of 呹
- Pinyin transcription of 峄, 嶧
- Pinyin transcription of 嬟
- Pinyin transcription of 帠
- Pinyin transcription of 幆
- Pinyin transcription of 廙
- Pinyin transcription of 异
- Pinyin transcription of 刈
- Pinyin transcription of 弋
- Pinyin transcription of 呹
- Pinyin transcription of 徽
- Pinyin transcription of 忆
- Pinyin transcription of 刈
- Pinyin transcription of 伿
- Pinyin transcription of 悒
- Pinyin transcription of 悥
- Pinyin transcription of 意
- Pinyin transcription of 憶
- Pinyin transcription of 嗌
- Pinyin transcription of 懿
- Pinyin transcription of 抑
- Pinyin transcription of 抴
- Pinyin transcription of 挹
- Pinyin transcription of 捙
- Pinyin transcription of 掖
- Pinyin transcription of 撎
- Pinyin transcription of 敡
- Pinyin transcription of 斁
- Pinyin transcription of 徽
- Pinyin transcription of 易
- Pinyin transcription of 昱
- Pinyin transcription of 昲
- Pinyin transcription of 呹
- Pinyin transcription of 曀
- Pinyin transcription of 曎
- Pinyin transcription of 曳
- Pinyin transcription of 捙
- Pinyin transcription of 枍
- Pinyin transcription of 枻
- Pinyin transcription of 栧
- Pinyin transcription of 棭
- Pinyin transcription of 榏
- Pinyin transcription of 槷
- Pinyin transcription of 枍
- Pinyin transcription of 欭
- Pinyin transcription of 歝
- Pinyin transcription of 殔
- Pinyin transcription of 殪
- Pinyin transcription of 殹
- Pinyin transcription of 毅
- Pinyin transcription of 义
- Pinyin transcription of 泄
- Pinyin transcription of 忆
- Pinyin transcription of 寽
- Pinyin transcription of 异
- Pinyin transcription of 洨
- Pinyin transcription of 乂
- Pinyin transcription of 浥
- Pinyin transcription of 浳
- Pinyin transcription of 涯
- Pinyin transcription of 渪
- Pinyin transcription of 捙
- Pinyin transcription of 溢
- Pinyin transcription of 潩
- Pinyin transcription of 澤
- Pinyin transcription of 澺
- Pinyin transcription of 瀷
- Pinyin transcription of 炈
- Pinyin transcription of 焰
- Pinyin transcription of 昲
- Pinyin transcription of 熠
- Pinyin transcription of 澤
- Pinyin transcription of 垼
- Pinyin transcription of 仡
- Pinyin transcription of 寱
- Pinyin transcription of 獈
- Pinyin transcription of 抴
- Pinyin transcription of 異
- Pinyin transcription of 疙
- Pinyin transcription of 疫
- Pinyin transcription of 痬
- Pinyin transcription of 瘗, 瘞
- Pinyin transcription of 昱
- Pinyin transcription of 癔
- Pinyin transcription of 益
- Pinyin transcription of 睪
- Pinyin transcription of 掖
- Pinyin transcription of 秇
- Pinyin transcription of 秹
- Pinyin transcription of 呓
- Pinyin transcription of 勩
- Pinyin transcription of 焰
- Pinyin transcription of 忆
- Pinyin transcription of 縊
- Pinyin transcription of 繶
- Pinyin transcription of 呹
- Pinyin transcription of 徽
- Pinyin transcription of 曎
- Pinyin transcription of 缢
- Pinyin transcription of 羛
- Pinyin transcription of 義
- Pinyin transcription of 亿
- Pinyin transcription of 益
- Pinyin transcription of 嗌
- Pinyin transcription of 曳
- Pinyin transcription of 翼
- Pinyin transcription of 亄
- Pinyin transcription of 肊
- Pinyin transcription of 腋
- Pinyin transcription of 膉
- Pinyin transcription of 忆
- Pinyin transcription of 艗
- Pinyin transcription of 艺
- Pinyin transcription of 佾
- Pinyin transcription of 芅
- Pinyin transcription of 芵
- Pinyin transcription of 毅
- Pinyin transcription of 蓺
- Pinyin transcription of 榏
- Pinyin transcription of 廙
- Pinyin transcription of 藝
- Pinyin transcription of 蘙
- Pinyin transcription of 义
- Pinyin transcription of 仡
- Pinyin transcription of 蜴
- Pinyin transcription of 熠
- Pinyin transcription of 衞
- Pinyin transcription of 睪
- Pinyin transcription of 袀
- Pinyin transcription of 袘
- Pinyin transcription of 袣
- Pinyin transcription of 裔
- Pinyin transcription of 裛
- Pinyin transcription of 挹
- Pinyin transcription of 襼
- Pinyin transcription of 昲
- Pinyin transcription of 訳
- Pinyin transcription of 詍
- Pinyin transcription of 詣
- Pinyin transcription of 悒
- Pinyin transcription of 誱
- Pinyin transcription of 謚
- Pinyin transcription of 譯
- Pinyin transcription of 異
- Pinyin transcription of 羛
- Pinyin transcription of 劮
- Pinyin transcription of 译
- Pinyin transcription of 诣
- Pinyin transcription of 縊
- Pinyin transcription of 捙
- Pinyin transcription of 豛
- Pinyin transcription of 豷
- Pinyin transcription of 熠
- Pinyin transcription of 秇
- Pinyin transcription of 軼, 轶
- Pinyin transcription of 逸
- Pinyin transcription of 抑
- Pinyin transcription of 醳
- Pinyin transcription of 醷
- Pinyin transcription of 釈, 釋
- Pinyin transcription of 壴
- Pinyin transcription of 帠
- Pinyin transcription of 鎰
- Pinyin transcription of 伿
- Pinyin transcription of 镒
- Pinyin transcription of 镱
- Pinyin transcription of 謚
- Pinyin transcription of 阣
- Pinyin transcription of 呭
- Pinyin transcription of 隲
- Pinyin transcription of 亿
- Pinyin transcription of 霬
- Pinyin transcription of 佾
- Pinyin transcription of 悥
- Pinyin transcription of 敡
- Pinyin transcription of 飏
- Pinyin transcription of 饐
- Pinyin transcription of 豛
- Pinyin transcription of 驿
- Pinyin transcription of 劮
- Pinyin transcription of 鮨
- Pinyin transcription of 诣
- Pinyin transcription of 鳦
- Pinyin transcription of 鶂, 鶃
- Pinyin transcription of 鷁
- Pinyin transcription of 囈
- Pinyin transcription of 鷧
- Pinyin transcription of 鷾
- Pinyin transcription of 豛
- Pinyin transcription of 鹟
- Pinyin transcription of 黓
- Pinyin transcription of 齸
- Pinyin transcription of 挹
- Pinyin transcription of 㑊
- Pinyin transcription of 㑜
- Pinyin transcription of 浥
- Pinyin transcription of 槷
- Pinyin transcription of 㔎
- Pinyin transcription of 㔕
- Pinyin transcription of 歝
- Pinyin transcription of 佚
- Pinyin transcription of 絏
- Pinyin transcription of 鹢