Definition 2025
See also: 乱点鸳鸯谱
in confusion; disorderly point; dot; (decimal) point; o'clock; (measure word))trad. (亂點鴛鴦譜) 亂 點 鴛鴦譜 simp. (乱点鸳鸯谱) 乱 点 鸳鸯谱
- an arbitrary pairing of two people or two things; an odd pairing
- 2006: 乐天 (Le Tian), 乱点鸳鸯谱 诺基亚6610塞进罗技G5里 (An odd pair ... Nokia 6610 inserted into Logitech G5)
- 國外的硬體發燒友獨特的創意和高超的動手能力,一向為國內玩家所稱道。不過有些改造看起來確實有些不倫不類,比方說下面這個被作者美其名曰“LogiNoki”的滑鼠MOD作品,就給人一種亂點鴛鴦譜的感覺,作者讓諾基亞6610手機和羅技G5滑鼠湊成了一對,將6610的螢幕和控制晶片拆下塞進G5的“肚子”裡,組合成一個帶LCD螢幕的滑鼠。
- The unique creativity and superb abilities of foreign hardware fanatics has always received high praise from domestic gamers. However, some innovations truly defy description. For example, one can't help but getting the sense that the mod design of the computer mouse below, euphemistically called "LogiNoki" by its creator, is an odd pairing. Its creator paired the Nokia 6610 cellphone with the Logitech G5 computer mouse by taking the screen and the control chip from the 6610, and inserting it into the "guts" of the G5. This combination produces a computer mouse with an LCD screen.
- 國外的硬體發燒友獨特的創意和高超的動手能力,一向為國內玩家所稱道。不過有些改造看起來確實有些不倫不類,比方說下面這個被作者美其名曰“LogiNoki”的滑鼠MOD作品,就給人一種亂點鴛鴦譜的感覺,作者讓諾基亞6610手機和羅技G5滑鼠湊成了一對,將6610的螢幕和控制晶片拆下塞進G5的“肚子”裡,組合成一個帶LCD螢幕的滑鼠。
- 2006: 乐天 (Le Tian), 乱点鸳鸯谱 诺基亚6610塞进罗技G5里 (An odd pair ... Nokia 6610 inserted into Logitech G5)
Related terms
- 喬太守亂點鴛鴦譜