Definition 2025
- (chemistry) Symbol used to denote an acid dissociation constant.
Usage notes
- Note that the a is written as a subscript: Ka. In English, this is typically pronounced "K-sub-A".
- Honorific appellation for elders and distant uncles or aunts.
- Ka Pedro, Ka Maria.
- Elder Pedro, elder Maria.
- Ka Pedro, Ka Maria.
See also
ka (plural kas)
- A spiritual part of the soul in Egyptian mythology, which survived after death.
- 1983, Norman Mailer, Ancient Evenings:
- Then, I wondered how long I must wait before seeing my Double, but if I recalled, the Ka was not supposed to appear before the seventy days of embalming were done.
- 2011, Neil Gaiman, American Gods (Tenth Anniversary Edition), William Morrow 2013, p. 179:
- ‘You could bind the ka of a man to his body for five thousand years,’ said Jaquel.
- 1983, Norman Mailer, Ancient Evenings:
Etymology 2
Origin uncertain.
- (transitive) To serve or help; used only in the phrase "Ka me, ka thee" or variants thereof.
- 1603, John Florio, translating Michel de Montaigne, Essays, III.5:
- Now nature stood ever on this point, Kæ mee Ile kæ thee, and ever ready to bee even alwaies on recompences and vicissitude of things, and to give as good as one brings.
- 1821, Walter Scott, Kenilworth:
- Ka me, ka thee, is a proverb all over the world.
- 1603, John Florio, translating Michel de Montaigne, Essays, III.5:
Alternative forms
Etymology 1
From older kah, from *kah ~ ngah (compare Tosk nga), from Proto-Albanian *en kaxa, from *en kʷod so ‘wherein, wherefrom’, literally ‘in which this’. Cognate with Old Church Slavonic къ (kŭ, “to”).
ka (+nominative) [1]
Etymology 2
The plural form qe suggests an earlier *kʷē, from Proto-Indo-European *gʷōus (“ox, cow”) via a pre-Albanian language [2].
ka m (indefinite plural qe, definite singular kau, definite plural qetë)
- kau i hullisë ‘stronger ox (of a team) that walks in the furrow’
- ka i kularit ‘yoke ox’
Etymology 3
From Proto-Albanian *kage, from Proto-Indo-European *kʰage/o; 3rd person singular of kam.
- he has
Usage notes
- ↑ Fialuur i voghel Sccyp e ltinisct (Small Dictionary of Albanian and Latin), page 51, by P. Jak Junkut, 1895, Sckoder
- ↑ Orel - Balcanica pg. 114
- you (singular)
- you are
Related terms
Present and past tense | Negative tense | Future | Negative future | Distant future | Negative determinate | ||
Singular | First person | ua | use | upwe | usap | upwap | ute |
Second person | ka, ke | kose, kese | kopwe, kepwe | kosap, kesap | kopwap, kepwap | kote, kete | |
Third person | a | ese | epwe | esap | epwap | ete | |
Plural | First person | aua (exclusive) sia (inclusive) |
ause (exclusive) sise (inclusive) |
aupwe (exclusive) sipwe (inclusive) |
ausap (exclusive) sisap (inclusive) |
aupwap (exclusive) sipwap (inclusive) |
aute (exclusive) site (inclusive) |
Second person | oua | ouse | oupwe | ousap | oupwap | oute | |
Third person | ra, re | rese | repwe | resap | repwap | rete |
Haitian Creole
Etymology 1
Etymology 2
Contraction of kapab, from French capable
- (auxiliary) can, be able to
ka sg (plural nā)
Usage notes
- Use ke before words that begin with 'k', 'a', 'e', or 'o'.
- Alternative form of kad (often used before a consonant)
- Ka tu amas me?
- Do you love me?
- Ka tu amas me?
- (Classical) IPA(key): /kaː/
kā (indeclinable)
- The name of the letter K.
Coordinate terms
- (Latin’s names for the letters of its own alphabet): ā (A), bē (B), cē (C), dē (D), ē (E), ef (F), gē (G), hā (H), ī (I), kā (K), el (L), em (M), en (N), ō (O), pē (P), kū (Q), er (R), es (S), tē (T), ū (V), ix / īx / ex (X), ȳ/ī graeca/ypsilon (Y), zēta (Z)
- Arthur E. Gordon, The Letter Names of the Latin Alphabet (University of California Press, 1973; volume 9 of University of California Publications: Classical Studies), part III: “Summary of the Ancient Evidence”, page 32
Clearly there is no question or doubt about the names of the vowels A, E, I, O, U. They are simply long A, long E, etc. (ā, ē, ī, ō, ū). Nor is there any uncertainty with respect to the six mutes B, C, D, G, P, T. Their names are bē, cē, dē, gē, pē, tē (each with a long E). Or about H, K, and Q: they are hā, kā, kū — each, again, with a long vowel sound.
Orignally an old neuter nominative singular form of kas (“who, what”) that acquired the function of a conjunction. Cognates include Old Prussian ka (“who, what”).[1]
- IPA(key): [ka]
- that; used to link a subordinate clause to the main clause, sometimes with a pronominal antecedent (tas, tāds, tik, tādēļ, tāpēc), with various different functions:
- (a) subject:
- labi, ka darbs padarīts ― (it is) good that the work is done
- viņam nepatika, ka tagad viņi ar Plienu bija palikuši tikai divi ― he didn't like that now only he and Pliens had remained
- aplam darīts arī tas, ka divās dienās nopļāva visu Spilvas pļavu ― wrongly done was also that (= the fact) that (he) mowed the entire Spilva meadow in two days
- tveice bija tāda, ka šķita - tīrums smaržo kā liela rudzu kalte ― the heat was such that one felt (as if) the field smelled like a big rye drier
- (b) attributive complement, (secondary) predicate
- pienāca ziņa, ka tēvs saslimis ― there is news that father is sick
- viņi nolaida karogus per zīmi, ka demonstrācija beigusies ― they lowered the flags as a sign that the protest was over
- vēl vairāk sirdi nospeiž sāpes, / ka atkal apkārt tikai mežs ― even more the heart is oppressed by the pain / that again (there is) only forest around
- ir tāds karstums, ka pat putniņi paslēpušies ― (there) is such a heat that even the little birds are hiding
- (c) direct object
- viņš teica, ka varam iet ― he said that we could go
- Ģirts redzēja, ka Artūrs nekā neapjēdz, ka labāk runāt par ko citu ― Ģirts saw that Artūrs would never realize that it would be better to talk about something else
- Krančelis izrādīja visu savu nemieru ar to, ka nevarēja meiteni iepriecināt ― Krančelis showed all his concern with that (= the fact) that he could not cheer up the girl
- kas gan var būt vēl skaistāks pasaulē par to, ka cilvēks palīdz cilvēkam un draugs - draugam! ― what can be more beautiful in (this) world than that (= the fact) that a person helps (another) person and a friend - (another) friend!
- (d) adverbial complement (manner)
- viņpus upes krastā Preimanis lādējās, ka visa pamale skanēja ― on the shore, on the other side of the river, Preimanis cursed (in such a way) that the whole horizon resounded (with his curses)
- Saulītis krāca tā, ka ārā varēja dzirdēt ― Saulītis snored so (= in such a way) that one could hear it outside
- viņai kļūst kauns par sevi, ka pat domās pieļāvusi salīdzinājumu ― she felt ashamed of herself, that (= because) she had allowed herself (to make) this comparison even in thought
- publicisti uzbruka rakstniekiem, ka tie bez īstas kvēles un dedzības ķeras pagatavot lugas ― the publishers attacked the writers that (= because) they tried to prepare (= write) plays without real fervor and zeal
- “bet varbūt tāpēc līst, ka man sāp zobs”, viņš iedomājās ― “but maybe it is raining for that reason, that (= because) my tooth hurts,” he thought
- krievu valoda mums jāprot tādēļ, ka tā ir mūsu kaimiņu un draugu valoda ― we must know Russian for that reason, that (= because) it is the language of our neighbors and friends
- Ješka nepaguva atbildēt, tāpēc ka papriekš gribēja iedzert ― Ješka couldn't answer, because he first wanted to drink
- tu, tēvoc, daudz ko nedzirdi, tādēļ ka kurls esi palicis ― you, uncle, haven't heard much, because you have become deaf
- (f) adverbial complement (consequence)
- otrā rītā sāp mugura, ka tīri vai jāraud ― the next morning (his) back was in pain, (so much) that (he) simply had to cry
- visi bija tik satraukti, ka nemanīja, vai viņš atsveicinās vai ne ― everybody was so excited that (they) did not noticed whether or not he said goodbye
- Ainas acis vērāas tik mierīgas un vēas, ka viņš atmeta šādu domu ― (but) Aina's eyes were so peaceful and cool (= calm) that he abandoned such thought(s)
- dejotāju kājas bija noru noblietējušas tā, ka zeme sāka skanēt ― the dancers' feet had stomped the (forest) glade so (= in such a way) that the earth began to resound
- vējš gaudoja aizvien stiprāk, tā ka sāka jau drebēt majas jumts ― the wind howled more and more strongly, so that the house roof began to shake
- vecais zvirbulis bija ļoti noskumis un kļuva pat neuzmanīgs, tā ka to gandrīz noķēra pelēkais Minka ― the old sparrow had become very sad and even inattentive, so that the gray Minka (= cat) almost caught him
- (g) adverbial complement (purpose)
- pēc malkas ej, ka var kurināt tam akmenim virsū! ― go find wood, (so) that we can burn it on (top of) that rock
- skrien kā traks, ka tikai izraut lielāku normu ― I run (= work) like crazy, (so) that I may get a larger margin (= advantage)
- (h) adverbial complement (measure, proportion)
- tūlīt pēc kara pievairojis bija pelēču, ka mudž ― immediately after the war the grays (= landowners) became many, (so much) that (they) were swarming
- viņa steidzās tik ļoti, ka neievēroja vaļējās klēts durvis un tajās sēdošo cilvēku ― she hurried so much that (she) did not notice the open barn door and the person sitting in(side of) it
- vai tik daudz sāpju sevī pārvarēji, / ka tikai prieku spēsi citiem sniegt? ― have you overcome so much pain in yourself / that you will be able to give only joy to others?
- (i) adverbial complement (condition)
- kas tas par draugu, ka nevar palīdzēt? ― what kind of friend is he, that (= if) he can't help?
- kur gan esat, zilie ceriņi, ka nekur vairs nesatieku jūs? ― where are you, blue lilac, that (= if) I don't find you anywhere?
- used to add a nuance of probability or doubt to a, usually negative, utterance, to make it optative, expressive of a desire (cf. kaut); may...
- jāsagrābj siens, ka neuznāk lietus ― (we) have to rake the hay together, may rain not come (i.e., maybe there will be rain)
- vispirms gādājiet, lai rudzi tiek statos; ka neuznāk krusa ― first of all make sure that the rye is in heaps; may hail not come (= i.e., maybe there will be hail)
- ka tik viņš neaizietu! ― may he only not leave! if only he wouldn't leave!
- “ka nenositas”, Nikolajs ieminas, bet onkulis atmet at roku: “liels puisietis, nenositīsies” — “may he not get himself killed” (i.e., he probably won't get himself killed), Nikolas said, and uncle gestured with his hand: “(he is) a big boy, he won't get himself killed”
- “ak, ka tak viss neietu tik lēnām... tos, kas nomirs, tos tak ielaidīs jūrā?” “laikam” — “oh, may everything not go so slowly (= if only everything didn't go so slowly)... those who died, they will be thrown into the sea?” “maybe”
- pagája labs brīdis, bet necēlās neviens no pakritušajiem skrējējiem... ka viņu vilks, nu būs abi divi beigti ― a good while went by, but none of the fallen runners stood up... may (the devil) take him, they now will be (= probably are) both finished (= dead)
- used to reinforce the intensity of an action or activity, usually with a repeated verb; ... and ...
- māte tik naigi dur ka dur - šuj savu šujamo ― mother so quickly pierced and pierced - she sows her sowing (= what she needs to sow, i.e. she is certainly carrying out her task)
- ↑ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “ka”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7
Usage notes
- This is an abstractor which applied to a selbri returns a sumti which describes the quality of that selbri. For example, for the selbri blanu (“blue”), ka blanu would mean "blueness".
- The elidable terminator for a phrase begun with ka is kei.
- Use kei only if it has an effect on the parse structure and that effect is desirable; otherwise kei can be elided.
Usage notes
- English transcriptions of Mandarin speech often fail to distinguish between the critical tonal differences employed in the Mandarin language, using words such as this one without the appropriate indication of tone.
ka (using Raguileo Alphabet)
ka (using Raguileo Alphabet)
ka (using Raguileo Alphabet)
Min Nan
ka (POJ, traditional 家, simplified 家)
ka (POJ, traditional 鸠, simplified 鳩)
- turtle dove; Turtur orientalis
ka (POJ, traditional 铰, simplified 鉸)
ka (POJ, traditional 加, simplified 加)
- (dialectal) what (interrogative pronoun); compare to Nynorsk kva
- Ka e da du gjere på?
- What are you doing?
- Ka e da du gjere på?
Alternative forms
From Vedic Sanskrit कः (kaḥ).
- (interrogative) who
- and (switching)
- Watingku maḻu nyangu ka wirtjapakaṉu.
- The man saw the kangaroo and the kangaroo ran away.
- Watingku maḻu nyangu ka wirtjapakaṉu.
Usage notes
- Ka is a switching conjunction. When it links two clauses or sentences, it conveys that the second clause has a different subject from the first. In cases where the subject remains the same, the conjunction munu is used.
In the example above, the subject of the second clause need not be "the kangaroo", although that seems the most likely possibility from context. The ku simply tells us that someone or something other than wati (the subject of the first clause) ran away. - Although ka is spelt with a short a, the vowel is actually long (kaa). The misleading spelling exists for historical reasons.
Rapa Nui
- exclamation suggesting a judgment on external events
Usage notes
For a personal reaction, consider using ko.
ka (Cyrillic spelling ка)
- (Chakavian, Montenegro) as, like
- (Chakavian, Montenegro) as, like
- (Chakavian, Kajkavian, interrogative) which (feminine)
- (Chakavian, Kajkavian, relative) which, that, who (feminine)
- (Chakavian, Kajkavian, indefinite) some (feminine)
Usage notes
- In Somali, prepositions fall before the verb and not before the noun they modify:
- you (second person singular)
See also
Person | Number | Direct (ang) | Indirect (ng) | Oblique (sa) |
First | singular | ako | ko | akin |
dual | kita/kata* | nita/nata* | kanita/kanata* (ata)* | |
plural inclusive | tayo | natin | atin | |
plural exclusive | kami | namin | amin | |
First & Second | singular | kita | ||
Second | singular | ikaw, ka | mo | iyo |
plural | kayo | ninyo | inyo | |
Third | singular | siya | niya | kaniya |
plural | sila | nila | kanila | |
*not commonly used |
- Zajceva, N. G.; Mullonen, M. I. (2007), “безусловно, да, давать, естественно, конечно, но”, in Uz’ venä-vepsläine vajehnik / Novyj russko-vepsskij slovarʹ [New Russian–Veps Dictionary], Petrozavodsk: Periodika